Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ASSIQHEES SAJ-E_! THF BWSTi.)Cl; *‘ F Wenner & Co. «1LL BF, >OLU Reg3rdless of Cosf. ***pt 6~-tf PIONEEU Steam CĀNDY Fnctory. R.it*ERY and lee Crejim Parlors! —^ī; HOhN \\V lbo3 1894 ’illl/ m m II! l&- PRA< TU \L COXFEC T!ON Kll AND ORNAMENTER In all brauchrf of lht (».<.<■ -i on th/ff i»landf. Aaonean, Ens:Ii5h, Gorm*n an<\ Froro’.; PASTRIES M..clo to Ordor. BIRTH-DAY AIsD VvEDDING CAKS M*de of the Very Best Matorsa! and at Reasocahlu Ratcs. Family 6raham & Fancy Bread Ahcays on Ilanā , ALL CO.\Fi:( TIOXERY Manufactured ai My E;tal)Iishmout Arc Guarantocd to be PositiveIy I‘ure ane SolU at Prices no other est&blbhmeut ean eompele \vith. FACTORY AND STORE No. TI Hotel Street, Honoiuln. Both T«lcpbcraos Xo. T4. jy‘Jō Per S.S. AUSTKALIA froir. tlie Coast CAMAEĪUOS Refrigerator Contain a Fuil Supply of le Housc, such as Froz *n Oysters, Crabs, Frcsh Salmon, ('auIiAowei Ce!ery, !Muscat Grapes, Peaehes, Apricofc Mectarines, Japanese PIums Tokay Grapes, Grennan Prunes Crawford Poaches, ' Silver Prunes liose Peru Grapos, Bart!ett Pcars, Sikle Pears, Etc. California Fruit Markot. Mutual Tel. 378 lt - = — Gust. A. Mauer, tIA WAIIAN UOTEL BARBEK ĪMdies Shampooīnp a fpecitlly. Honolulu auji4 i

'aimluiTJotel| (<AHULUI. /AaUI. Sah Sih<;, PEOP£JLATOB. #ept7-a W£ I5ViTE ALL SMOKfcES T® ūy?pert o- r l*t* aport»tl.»r. of Ihe cel©b«{«l U* B, l>. p ao*l C.gaw.*tW ho’ f -r« * BOLLi«T£K 4 <#. . * ' , >r& •;*;» • :34§^a* 7t : BOTH TeUEFllOSS$: 71 -C0X> O {. J I)\T jfc]>— > WLTfcB-> - > 00. .. * 1