Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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———— — LADIES’ OOLUMK. 4 OUf\ QUiCj< SAJ.ES < i aM» 1 j I Sp«alc p(\op;x poLicr . is a far bett-r one for tbe j>n' iio j than the ressurect on process ’ j knowu a» { Special^ Goo(Is ( o^t etc.. fetc., etc., at whieh the graves contain.ng g ods of times gone by are opened, and tlie mo dering corp- * >es trotted «nt to make a show One never gels special Yi*!ne at > one mav get Low l’rices for Ressnrecte*l Goo*ls, but sj>eeial va!ne uever. 8')eoial Va!uesare only obtainedVvbere yon get seas uah'e goods, w!iere Q)iick Sa’es aiul ■ i sma ! l profits are the fumlament.! ‘ principie of the hoase yon are deaiing with ! EXPEf\IEfiCE ' WlLL Te/\C*| ToJ T^IS * \ j i£ you do not rea’ize it now. Qaick si!es and huia'l pr> fits * uieau also uo du : counlers, no * dnl goods.bin ne v -ty *s. in fact ? goods that s li at prices tb;*t are t just rig!it. > Uave y«»u uotice*l any < f tbose >1 L\dies W^isjs r ! i| y e spoke of last we* k ? If not, t vou are certain!y n*»t very ob ’ | serving, for t ; iero btis 1 en rnore r s uf tbem so’d hy us L.st wv-ek thau ■ was ever s .!d m Ho o n u m any two weeks. Q<iick sales ud | small j>rofits j>olicy di«i it On y j a few i f them »eft. Tho saiue thing might br> s iid of ' C\F\f\l>\qE P \^SOLS * We bave some handsome Umi brellas and Paraso!s i Twelve yards dr« <s jntterns oi 8 ! Oonnino Irish Linen I.awns in co!ors. at 0 a . ! Kemembor ti*e pkiee; tb;*t ii VOU have ativ doulvbla e * : l ;.t ont 5 ! ctnr« ~iH . " “ W< ’ say about Qnicltf.S:(!e and small l profits is a FA(jr. ’ B. F. E-;1LERS & C0. 'L- ī ■ PANĪH0N SALOON, rōnTfANi> iiotei. sts. Headanarters Enterprise Brewiiif Co. — THE — - Largest Cons:giiment of Reer that evcr arr.ved here, iio'a* on Draught j>’H J. DODD, Prop'r j-' ■ ' ~ ~ ■ -- - - - . j L. B. KERR'S ANNOUNCEMENT! — I H.\VE JDST RECEIVED A L.VRGE ASSORTMEXT 0F . FINE SU1TIN(^S • S{ ELEGANT PATT2RNS, AND LATEST STVLES. These poods wil! I«e * !•! in ahy Qaa fron* a 100 Yards Down to Exocoh to Make a Sixgle Suit ! —AND AT—- ' H1RD THE PR]fES i I » i

®* ltERK, - - iMPoniia. Oneen Street. SepvW.ra TUYI SES£D1IS. „ Wl«.i. eewe CswmH«!«. Sar> C«UTTti, eitK>K «u o .! , *eJ {•> IK («8,, I *rv ci.u?r»U!rtt U*st u will rsrr ■»■ ■***!*• a *4 tia W »* «o*. tkJ t£* yosutsr*l ’ .‘ • ”*. w r *j' w rt | e>>iĪTe.*«tfT <e v!■ " >*■ . «• 3 • .. ■ - * t ii:.'i*-. . • I .V . ... •■» -■. -■>."•♦