Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

I Angn.st 3*). 1-S94. XIie thon>r»nJs aiul thosaiuls of people who reaJ the d.»;ly pspers > , nd get the news happeuings from the fonr qnsrters of earth. jdo 90 witb Iittle thonght of the eipen>e attachetl to getting ont f paper and the trials and tril>nl;i- ♦ ion> of tbe edit r and freqoent Ioss of raonev to tbe owners. Tlie d tScalties whieh be set the paths of newspaper people varv accr»rdiug to locaIity; in the Notberu States, where thcro are ‘‘nine niouths winter aud t!,ree montbs ven' late f.t!l ” it freqneotly happcn3 that roads arc blockadcd with sn w. just :;bont the time the papcr snpply is exhansted. so the editor has to fa!l back ou hi.s polished-sorf.ee book paper to get ont his edit»on. In Vicksbnrg, Miss sippi, away back in tlie sixties an entire stock of wall paper was used ie getting out a weekly paper, newspaper was not obtainable. In some places the will demand a maiīmnm of news, telegrapbic and loeal at a minimuoi pi iee, and ihen want to pay their subscription and advertisiug bīl!s in wood or vegetables. But when iy nigiit comes aronnd t!ie gentle and ungentle compositor rebels, when he is offered anything, bnt eoin in payraent for his serv5ees, and tbis | uccounts for Ihe fuct that half the editors in Uuiied States are tronbled with insomnia We have knnwn conip".sitors in eoun- ' try towns to actially refnse to Iive on a diet of roller composiand strike if the ec!itor wouUl not divicle tbo contont; of the paste pot. In Houolulu, ti;higs are ditier- i ent; p»per is mannfaotured in Caiifornia, «ud the oeean uever freezes so hard that the vessel can't run, so there is uo delay there iu getting a stock v>f pnpor; the ‘‘tv*pos’ ’ usa.tll3' inect the °usinest> Muii»j-crs on Siturdav witb u broacl siuile whieh they give iu exchange for good gold eoin, and t!ie editcrs who elo not wear search lights iu their shirt frouts leave them because . thoy do uot wish to be ’mistaken by tourists for capitalists. The > compositors, too, are of a bctter class thaa yuu will flad on the Pacific Coast; tboy dress better, Iive better aad aro bettcr citizens ' thau you will find iu other places, eveu at twelve and a half cent beer is not iiulueameai enough for them to take oa ‘ j ig.' lf there is anythiog that will set otl the appeanmee of a home, | a good hangmg L-unps is the thiug. We have a liew stock of Lamps that īs so varied 111 styles and priccs that we ean suit the tastes und purses of everyone. The burners, whieh is realiv more importaut tban the dec.>ra tions, Lave beea selec1ed with a to securing the raost poweHul light with the least possible, amouui of heat. We oti'er these to tho puhlie at pnces suf- I • ficieutly low to .nduce more peo- i p!e to buy thau we have Lamps | to selL

Garden Ho>e is as mneh a necessity as a telephone. TLe iung stretches of dry weuther ki!Is tbe grass nnless it is irr gated and yon canuut very well iirig:ite uuless yon have Uose, tbe water supply is me*gre bat with a Iittle ! B|mniving oue ean alwavs get en»|JKh to keep tho grass aadj plant^iive. anu rorks are cheaper ihau thev : bave ever been before and we have a big stock of thera. The Knives are tbe best ra-ide in the St;»tes «nd the Spoons and Forks tbe best quadrup e j lato. Tiiese wili l«st as lougassolid w»ire tbat costs four or five times as mueh. »e keep alw«ys a fall line of diese goods and ean sapp!y any

e neglected to menlion when «T ting about Gsrden Hoee that we have a qnantity of tbe iatest improved vater spr«oklers tb.«t re Can ven ! eheap an i vh>ch ire bonud to give satislaeliod. if or uo offaerreason thau tbev will 5ot get out ol order and ver j ittie.force of vater run* them. Tk Hiwaiii mi<r ,a 1 *7 r»rt Stmt 1