Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Our Smartey ! [ARTICLE]

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Our Smartey !

Josej>h 8. Niles, an advert : sing agent of 429 Moutgomery »treet, w.is arrested yesterday afternoou l on fbe cbarge «fobtaiuing monev u; dor f«Iso j>retenses. Niles | claims tbat tbcro b:*s been a mistako. It eame to tbo kuow!edge of SecreUry Roberts of tbe Press 1 t !ub yesterday that some person was c >Ilec{ing money from varioiw 8onrces as coutributiou3 to defray Iho cxj>, nses of lbe Press ' Club's onting noxt Satnrday Mr. , Roberts found that tbo Selby 8melting Company. Major Hooj>- j er of tbe OccidenUl Hotel ;and ex-Consui Wilder rf Hawaii"bad »1. paid money to the j>erson in question, w bo badgiveu tbe namo of Josej>U Niles, an advertising* solicitor. After Niles had been j«laced nuder arrest Major Hoop | er wont to tbeOid City Hall. but oouid not identify bim as the mau who bad co!lected tbo monov at tbe Occidental. Neitber tbe Treasnror of the Selby 8melting i Company nor ei Consul Wilder i bas seen Niies since bis arrest. S. F. Ex. L = — : 3