Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — A TITCH. [ARTICLE]

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There s en - to be a hitch some-wl-.orr. Every in t .wn idvert;s*d the cftic:.al eall «>f .Mr, I).>le on l>.i8rd the Charleeton whieh was supjics.tl to have laken plaee yest*rday. Mr. Dolo \\’.s seen around t >wn in his Sm d .y-go-M meeting el thes and be raay have gone on-board. No salute wus fitid tli<m«f K . * " - ?p;cīon8 b gni. Qaery: D.d Do!e go on-b >ard? Was Iie sulut>d? Did he imt g> on board? And if so, why not? DId he go I on-b «ar«l and v\ .;s n t s *Iut «1? M e *vHi;t t > know.