Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 Kepakemapa 1894 — HOW IT IS DONE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


t • ; The £ v r to the %Tffi.-trat : on f v t<T8- All possi ble iue*’ 6 *r* n«>w sdop cd and f W. O. Smitb ba« his qwn w»y, 1 mart ai law wili be decl-TTd *nd j ’ «-leiwone wbo rcf ses*to obey ; »be m»ndHt« of tbe rernblic will I be sbot down. A corresj»oud-nt from Maui in- ’ forras * s tbat J dge Hehkonihi, one of Jud«i’s |>ets. refoses to is- .... a warrant or -« summons, . ven in a civil suit excej t tbe t, aint ff tnkes an oath to tbe re i pub ic. It is hardly pos.sibie to believe tbo truth of sncb an a?sort on. ut «e are rcady to l>el:eve any accosationS against Judd and Smith b e use we have bad cause nnugb toku w tbe onparralelled | I unscropules5ness, f the two men. Tbere :s n't a more dis— , t uctlv brace of unj>opular men u H w.ii to-day Tbe two gen-tl-men nre pla\’irg witb firo and they will find somo day tbat j tlu-ir finger-, wi’.i be seriously barned. Tlie boldoz ng by their tools weut so fi*r, that John KhIoh d«red tell bis accidental clients ih;*t lie eoukl not take a case unt 1 tbo to J>e cl:ent had tuken tbe oatb ! As a reward he was made Circ ;:t .Iudgo of Maui. Does i Mr. W O. Smitb rtmerubcr tbe rr llections and stalements made by bim in the presence of tbe oditor of tliis p(ijier in regard to K*lu:<f Shad wa pablisb the 1 ox; ressions indulged iu hy Judd, j 8 .ith and Castle in describ ng 1 tho Circu t Jndge of Mani ? Sbades of Ju.stice ! Tbey are ; runuiug a h'gh game and the : r i reward will be tbere. Unreleut ; mg nud uuuierciful.