Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — YOU BET! [ARTICLE]

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The Kaimiloa will probib'y be )>urcbased by the governmrnt and used aci a quarantine vees«|. If the bargain is refu9ed the r«.< >ns inust be tnore than my<teriou9. Tha 1. I. t>, X. Cj., o»rs the vt's- 1 people invc9tigatīng it •re eompowa of John Ena. vice praid«atl. l.& N Co. ; A. Keeeh , super:nten>Jing engineer I, I. S X. j Co.. F. J >hna>n, hej>d carj>c« ter I i I. S. X. Co. Dr. D*y,(ptveumab!y) I phyaiciao to the I. 1. 6. X. Ca , «nd 1 J. T. WaUrhouae Jr. (a d einter ere«ted r»rty). The above meu- ! tioaed gentlemeu neeommei d that j Ihe gorernment purchaee the Ka- J imiioa aud pav for the aa;d v,>sei «u.ooa

Tbe prerdf*u cf tbe bolth ilr. W. O. Sm.tb. fui]y ap»! 1 pn»rts of ihe rep»»n b».t cl«io>» th«t a »p|.n«pr:atim is> needed whieh he \\i . e«ll f»r *t;d : .*eoom mer.d O. S;aitn repiv»*0U» the b*jegtt.-t gt»ckhoiih rs io I tbe J. I. S. N. Cru l>oe* «nybo«ly r«-fu*e to be a »tuckho!der in tbe 1. X. S. X* Uof IM auvb! Vuu btilJ - £“ x ■*J~ I