Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — MISREPRESENTATIONS. [ARTICLE]

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TLe .4</rerf««r bas taken occa«ion to in»muate tbat Messrs. M'uiemann. Parker an*J C«roniius were nnder everl«stiiif; oblie« tions to Mr Frai.k Ha»tings, anel th«t tbe commissioners sbou d plaee them«elTes on reconJ as favoring an it.cre.Tsc in tbe salary of Mr. Tburston s “ro.ij 'r- lt is insinnated by editor Armstrong tliat Mr. H«st ngs entertained tbe commi>sioi ers at tbe Metropolitan Club 0f TV;t>hing ton, and tbe A<lccrfi*er pcnbbler aeema to believe tbat tbe eommiasioners are under considerable obligations to Fnmkey and tbat tber ongbt to assist in «dvncating public support f**r tbis boothlaek of L. A. Tburston. M'e bate to go into personali tiea. We dislike to sbow up tbe qua1ities of the inan in question. Tbe time bas eoiue tboogb whon we consider it proper to remmd the oditor of t!ie A<lvcrliser of a few fac(s connected »itb tbe “gr$at” diplomat Mr. Hnsti^/ j , tbe valuable snbstltute of Mr. Thurrjton. TVhen 8amuel Parker bocame tninisb r of foroign nffairs, he.appomied Frank HHstings as his secretary. He did so in tbe face of n detormined oppositiou of bis polilieal party, but bo did so. Mr. Haatings baa beon a weleome gnest nt tbe .hoaaea of Parker, \Videmanu and Cumraii.s. He bas al ways found as invitation to tbe eutortainiueuts of tbe gentle men iuentioned aud none of them bas asked for a vetnrn of Iiospitality. The A<h*rli->cr now dcs‘res to throw glory around tliobetd of Mr. Hnstings by stating tbat be eutertaiiied tbe commissiouers at the Metropolitan Club, Is tliere who believes tbj»t Wideinaiin, l’aTker aud Cuiutuins ever accepted an invit»tion froiu a tbiug !ike Franfc Hast iu;s nnddid oot furnish value received totbeir wouldbe bost f 1bo A<h'erli*rr is in bad fonn. Tbe iiisiuuat!oo.s | ag;tinst tbc commissiouers eouio i witb bail graco froiu Mr. Anu«trong. Mi. ffiis(ings is uuder everlasting obligations to tbe genticmen wbo oomposed the commission and be willnottbank a«ybody who niakoa him out a host or an ontcrtainer of oommia-1 sionor». Wo n»peat tbat we bat<«: to be pemonal. Uut we must state that while Mr. Hastings was ‘ a willing gnest at a dinner givcn by Parker aiul Widemanu be did uot draw on tbe Hawaii troasurv for lbe purj»os© of reciproclcating The tbree royal st eommiasiouers, as a rn!e,are u»'*t“st>on* T- •• • n mg. Mr. Armstr, ng muy know tbat for a faot.