Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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- * c c V iT’SATOSSUP Sometinaos whero to go to porehaae any p*riicnlar articie. but not if you happen to w,int anythiug in the lino of g>upplles, Picture Frames. or enl«rgeil portraits, there i>* bnt ono piaee in Honolnln, to pnrchase nll raateriala. aml tbat’a KING BROS. ’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on thoso Islands. The fin«st paiutings in Hawaii, are on exhibition iu this gallerv. The firm mnkes a specialty of enlarging portraits aa woll as mnk>ng picturo frames iu tho vory latest styloa of mouldiugs. In tho slieet pictares, thev have thonsamls to select from of whieh they mvito au mspoction at auy timo. KING BROa, t «—.*. . - - XX..», TkLn!t|. ang. 25-lma!y. Removal ! Hustace & Co. n.VVF. MOVSD TO Morgan*s - Auellon - Rooms for a »liort ti«ne. W« »re»till *ellinjr Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, AIA5ER0BA aml KlNDLING WOOD in anr qu*f2tlty. Boft» Telephon«« II l POUND MASTEU S NOTICE. Noliee w her>i-ly gir -n to all pern>n« th >t tbere are at the G.>TeriiQieut l’onn l •! )!•- kiki, t«t> stnjred balU. 1 blac* haii hmuknl Kon nght hin-l leg. I piueu bntl t>r«U’l imi».-rib»iile oo Wg Any penou or per«»n« oving ibea« batK irv re«iacste i to eoiu« uhI Ukr tU «tme oo or W>w> 12 o'eloek noen, SATCRDAY, 8EPT. 15. l 1 »»». J VVIF-S Kl’K' >NA, I’oaml SuKr. Makiki, Vng. ». 19W »ag.TM-lwdy Ploneer Shirt Factory ESTABU3HFD 1«7. A. M MELLIS, Pr?prietor, SI1 Fort 3t.. Hon r »hil«, Cood FU C*JXSOLIDAT' D s -DA VV.vTFR CO. (LlXrTTED.) E8PLA N A D E : C*r. lllea and Fort 'u. : i llaaeUle IIOLLlSTEK * C0., A|Ml>. F03 SAIE A nSE “M10\IGaT "' ST.\LLION' eoli bek>ng>ng Sur.li Ueah«rg Tbu e>>lt eanhe wm at tb» liiEoN vBUS fru«B 8u-HMixrow. tU