Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, I ' HONOLULU HAWAUAN ISLANOS \ Rooming [iou^ I.V EVERY RSSPECT. E0oas $1-50 to $3.00 per Ietf. n 50c. per DayPAULLEMKE. PROPRlATOR. BpI1 Telephone 132. *ug 22 .1 NOTICE TO Tiāto, Pienie Parties. Lnaas GEXEK.VT, PlKLie: % \t SMirH < a\d Ltvery Stable, Kino Stbeft. [Adjoiniug MetropoliUn Meat Market.J la the Cheapest Pl.ieo in Town yon oun gct: Bnsses, Wagoneue«, Buggies and Soddle Horses. U will p«y r>u to eall and be/ore yon try elsewhere. Mutual Telephone 408 f angl-tf 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS SJ.C.QUINN To Let oi' Lense, A HOL*SE on Kinp strect, ncxt fo T. R. W«lkers containini; parIor, dinning rooin, and threc bedroom.«, b>eiih t kiiehen, bathroom. eiahleĀ aml all miMiem conrcniencca. lately oc< upicd by Mr. Dcnbon. Arte«ian water Iaid; rent moderate fo rcs p.:>nsible partv. Addros.< ' AHKAHAM FERNANDE/ aug £J-ltn Empire Saloon, J.\MES OLDS, Fhopriktoe: * pine Wif\es, Liqu?rs. 33eer < alwas on hand. Corner Nnnann and HoteI StreeU. Beil Telephoiie 241. Po«t OSce Hos 107 1 POUND MASTEKS j NOTICE Noiiee i» berebv giren to all penon» that: there are at thr Gorrrnm«iit Pound at M, kiki, uim ml Cow, hr*uded Aj on ngh; , bind Wg, and r gnt frvnt leg. Any person v r penon» owniog thu Cow. i 1 aie reaneate<i to eome and Uke tbe «ame oo i or before 12 o’eioek noon, 8ATURDAY, ‘ SEPT. 15, lsW. Wm. KAAPA. Poond Ma-.tr;. Makiki, Sept 11. 19»4. aept 1-lw j |y MACHINE MADE factory, kauhi. Ts»ro Ptants, Fresh To|<« and R*w T«ro nt all liioe». Ring Up Mulual Telephone 577 Bel) 345. W. L. W1LC0X, jy25 >l«u»ger. HoYenl(e8^(lo. Tinsmiths and Dealers Hrockery. GlAssware, <^c. WaTXR Pin» LAfD AND PLLMHlMi | NtATLT EXSCCTED Hu l* Nneana 3t, Uoul