Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Golden I Rule B azaar, * | Depot for >’hiWSPAPEIiS and PERIODICALS bv everv * incoming steamer. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. DOWESTIC SEWE\G MACHINES. Tb is M »cliine is tbe Kin" of all. On il you ean make a Loekstitcb. Chj|in-stitch. Embroiderv, 13utton-boies. Riiffles, Tacks. Gnitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball. Croquet. Statiouery and Blank Books at Cash I*bices. Han.l Sewing M.ichiues from eight dol!aas aui a half up. [jy27 T. H. Dayies k Oo., T .1 mited- | Fresh Feed and Flour From WASH!NGTON. Lion Fiour, Oats, Bariey, JVIiddiings, Bran, er “ W rrimoo,” Just tc H nd. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, V To H&nd, fob Bailey Honolulu Made Wlre Woven Matresses and Hammocks ār84 CITY DRAY.\G K CO. SUnd; Qoe®n »mi F.>rt StreeU. • WWW »ud Bt«ck S<tnd. DrĀjirg n.'<r.« &t R?5«;nahle EUlea.