Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE GASTWR!CHT ! ot a Fivlaciarr Satnre Trsusd~te.J| Pnompl atteation gĪTen to the tnanagvment ot E»tAt'S*. C iwuūoehip», Trasw, ete.. etc., etc. ■ Omcs.*, : Ca iuright Buihlmg, Merc!onl Street. HoiK-'nla H. MAY & Co., Tea DealerS, Coffee ) Roasters AM) Provision Merchants l ort Srreot.. - Dono!ulo Fnmilies, Piantitions and Sliipii supplie<i \vitb cboicest Karopean & Am.enean Groceries California Protluce by £vexy Steamer. Mercliant Exchan(]:e Cornor King ana Nauann Streets. S. I. S‘!A\V rroprietor. Tho Fiuest selection of LIQUOKS anel i BEKK. sol«i anywhere iu tbe town. First-class attendanco. Call and jndge foryonrself. no 113-tf. LEWI3 & C0. Wholesa!a snd Retaii 6ro AND PKOVlSION D£ALERS. FRESR l # ALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICĒ By Erery 8an Franci»co Stea.mer •. Salt Salmon* ix Bahrels a Specialtv. iii Fort St., līonolulu. Tel. 240, P O. Iiox 297. CALiFORNIA 1 I Wine Company 407 FOBT STREEr, Mclnemy Block. JOBBERS OF WIjSTES, and SPIRITS KENGLUN, PH0T0GRAPHEB, Xuuana aod Pauahi $trects. Cabinets ; $3.30 Per Dozen. “ 2.00 Per 1 2 Dozon, j 8x10 $ >,50 Per Dozen, 3.50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Drv Goods at;d Chinese Silks. (lationaI lfon Woi’l^ QC£EX Steeet, Betweon Aiakea & RicharJ Sts. THE UXPERSIGXED w prtptnd te mak« all kinds of Ircn Bnw, Bronac, Zinc. Tin and Lhd C*»hag*. Aiao Genenl Repair Sbop lor Ste*m Engiaa«. Kioe Milk, ConMilK W»ier Wkeeu, Wiad Milla, «tc. tor Ute Qenning of Coff<e, CmUgt Oik, B*\ua. Eami*. Sas*l, Piaiupple Lmto> £ otker Fibroa< PUnU, Aud Pap» Stxsk Ako U*i?jiiaw tar £xtracting Stairh frox tbe Menioo, Anow Boot, etc. PjT AU Uid<n proeepdj \Uan.Ud to. WHITE, RTTMAN el CO.