Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFAELANE & CO I Deaiers in Wines and SpiriU Kaahnniian S:re*t, Honololo. H. E. McINTYRE &. BRO.. Gbocekt. Feed Stoke k Bakekt. Corner of King aml Fort Sts.. Honolnln J. PH1LL1PS. i’ft.\Cri04L ILCMBEIs GAS.FnT£R X)PPKB-6MITH, Honse aml Sbip Job Woik Proa»|)t1y Execnted. No. 71 King Street. Honolul i. Du. M LENNAN, For1 Strcet. «bove H*>tel. MiUiiei Pelephone 682, f.<r olHee; 287 lbr reaidence. jy28 KD. CHotJ.*e Sign and Oinamenlal Pa intef. M:.nuf;icture of Līquid S!afing. : 620 King Btr:'c*t. nugl i LEWI8 J. LEVEY. Heal Estate and frener.il Auctioneer. Coruer # Port au l Quecu Str9eta, Honolalo Personal attention g : von to Sa.Jos of Fnrnilare, Real Estate, Stock anel General Merc)iandise. Mnniul Trl©ohone 238 “FAT BOY.” 8 LOON ! P. McIKEBNY, I'kopki ltqr, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. CoR,N'EK EimiEL AND HOTKL STS. Hcno!u!u Carriage Manufactory W. W. WKIcflIT. Pboi*bietob, (Successor to O. Wcst). PARRIA(iE BLTLI>ING v\n REPAIRING. AU Ordcrs frotn tho Otl.«r Islands in ihe Carrhidv Bniliiing. Trimmiap and Painting Llne wiil Mect with Prompt Attcntlon. liiack>tniihing in All It* VariOBs Knmehee Douc. P. O. Po\ 321. Nos. I2t> and 130 Fort Strect. jyI9 Iy W. S.LUCE Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTitALIA,” Auother Invoice of the Worlcl j Renowned FREDERICKSBURG UGER BEER On ciraught and hN'lhe keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small FR£SH CaUF0RN!A 0YSTERS, FOH COCKTAlLS n>ayl Sms Wine and Snirit Merchant C(imphell Fire-proof Block, MERCHANTST. HONOLHLU. CIĪY CARRIAGE C0. Corner K1NG atid BETHEL St. C-;VI? E 3LA.GrES, AT ALL HOl KS. Both TeJephones No. 11S. J. S, ANDRADK. Mauager juoe l5-tf. XOTHE. KUa perw>ns are cot t> pemi» \ tivt*jr aiuh!» >v) Mv-»p«s* va tiw tand» ! oi Kaaowiii «md iCai'JL»B, hel.M»j»ittg ] Ail <teURda‘ f.>oud ob 8iraj-.ng oBUi«oo6 Lad* WiU h* | «e* j»hutuw. Ail aeimaa f.,oud ou straj-.ng oaUi«iM8 liad* wiU juipoatjdcd or »uot. LENTaI waj sing kee I