Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Citysa Meat Market Oppo. Qneen Emnu fi ; ,u Estal>lisL,-.i JOS. TINKER, PAM n-Y Bl)jCh|E^ | 11 Maler of the CV '• /. . / Cambridge Pork Sausage! . , Tky Tkem. Meat DeliveroJ to Anv F rt o{ tbe City and Sobui l ~ Muhial Telephone Nnm!vr - i>;t lY( IKOIIAMA BAZAAR, i | — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANI' Si> Silk and Crepcs, Embroideml H 1>- rvhi- - i Window Curtains, Str.iv.- H>. ; Fans, L>ntvrns, B:>sket'. > \ Diehes, Tea and Dr- ikf -t : Trays, Flower Pots. S k B ! Daniboo Screens, Ni ; - S'k and Crepe Shirts, Ji j - T, >, Japanese Provisions bv t • I sale. j jy2S MUKAIA vV C0. I . City - Carriage |»f’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STKEI T P D. BEj\lī, Blacksmith Work AND Cirri33J R;33irinj PAIXTING : AXD ; TKlMMIN<i In all its Branches. at i' i K<>ck Prices. Mutual Telephone Give U3 a Cali a:. 'H e for youraelf. jy23 ADMINĪSTRATION’S >: N:Ti:i. TIIE l NDERSU;N*En havi• _• appolnte«l Admini>trator of ih> Petelo Kakoi. (k) Ute ot Ilono :*> dece«Md. NoHee 1« hereby piven toai the (kcea«ed to pre»cnt their .■! m - »ccared by M or uti. aatbeodicai> d and with tbe pr ■ r if •oy c\ist to tbe uodcr- _ i mooths frorn ihe date bare<>: forerer harred; and aii pet> . the Mtid det'ca*cd arc rcqu* •>! ’ * : miliale parment at the 0:i; • K*n.iA, Cort»cr of Qae»>n ant N Strcet», Up-»iair>. K.\ILf PETF.L0K VK A.itnini»frator of thc E*tatc of Kakol, (Xj decva»ed. Honoiuiu. Sept II, 1»$*, a*.j.t •*. I r

Yii:E CHAX, DEAI £B IN Fiqe \\xd$ Fine Tai!orinf Fine Chine?£ <tud j HanUkei-ehiek 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H ■jp luiu, P.O. Box 253. jy5 J. H. TRUSCUL£K, Boot & Shoemaker> ioO Forl Street. Repairing. neatly Done. hall *ole «nd heel witu pegs, $1 UO. diUf so)e and heei sowiug ; $1.50. au7 MEDEIROS i Co. Merchant Tailor* l»«rieau. Eagii-h *nd Scou u T«rvtvi, ,«u h i;>d. Fu»; w->rk gn*raat**»l. St., ua Wr AxiūigU>a Hutel S. DE(’i%KU, MnonM*