Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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gonsalves All»n»T* Koepa oa IUati * of tlK' Very Best Pioneer Soap lo c*M» of«. «N « W Bar< ra ‘‘ h; this SOAF 1S TI1E Fiaest Import8d Here. SPECIAL PR1CE> FOR 5 CA>ES 1N LOTS. ,)fi «II i H1PS Ce!ebrated Brands of SC0TCH WH1SKEI Samelv: BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ains!ey’s 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NI0N Extra, Sp eeia GLENL10N SPECIAL LIOUEUK SC0TCH \VHISKEY. ir-s VlplQ'!-p/T-:-CH A H —; FURNITURE DēALĒRS. Bog to iitfurm the puhlie thal thev have oi>enod a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuoanu St., tVhore they earry a eomplele lino of BEDROOM SETS, CHAIRS, TABLEs. WARDROBES, STANDS, Etc.. Ele.. Ele. Kamlt«reRppa'red an«l ftener.il JobI>hiB nt K«*a*nnaM«* Kat«“*. VING FAT CIIAN, Factorj-. corncr of Kinj and Bethei Strects. sept G-Hms lo\/eJoy &CO, WfjolegaIe Wii)e \ LiquūP ūealei^ 19 Nnuanu Street We would eall y*'Ur attention to Our Special Brauds Longlife § Pure Cream RYE WH!SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in caska or bcttlcs

Y. LUil SING, Dealer in Fraits and Groceries. Fresb Fraiti» by Every Caiif<>rnia 8teamer, Ereeb Isfand Butter from Hawaii. 13-3 Fort Street. Cotfee Eoasted. P O. Box 16'J Fresh Islancl Prodace, Goods Delivered to Anv Part of tbe City. ' j v 21 Chas. T. Gnlick notary public For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowleilgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant iTarriage Lieen- H ses. Honolnla, Oahu. ! Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of t Pitt & Freight = nnd Parcela £xpresa. | Agent for the Barlington Koute — M Mle Bnfcr alteri] k A Bol! Tel. 34H; Mat. lel. 138; P. O. Bux 415. [« JFF1CE: 2fo. 38 MEECHAJ5iT I 9twei HouoiuiU; fl. ; * r