Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Flre, I>Ue & Marlne INSURANCE. HARTFORD FiRE IXSURAXCE C0.. As3ets, $ 7,109,825.49 LONDOX-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., Assets. $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES-ifERSEY IXS. CO., » Assets, $ 6,124.057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURAKCE CO., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O- BEBGEB. General Agent for the Hawaiiao Is auds, lionololu % . E. B^o IMPORTERS A>D DEALERS IN Grroceries, !Provisioiis AXD < Feed, EAST CORNER FORT & KINGjSTS. New 6oods Rcc’d By every Pacbet from the Eastern States aml Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guarunteed. Post Office Box N<>. 145, Telephone No. 92. THE H0N0LULU_S0flP H0USE. Sells the vtry best qaalitr o l SOAP «t *4.50 por 100 pounds .itk1 17 bars of 25 ix>unds honest weigbt for $1.25. OEKMAN BLUE C’AST1LE SOAP. uianufacturcd by Grans Bro»., Mannheim, Gennanv, at 10 ccnis pcr pouud. TOILET S0AP, retail at wbolcsale prices. SOFT SŌAP in tin» of pounī<. #I.S5. STEAKIC WAX MININU CANDLES. nianufactured bv Ihe Emrey Candle Work* of Cincinati, Ohio. 12 Candles for 25 cent*. KIAWE FIRE WOOD. «>) j>er cord. The sa:ne cut in hloek* of 12 inehee lontt at «ny <)uaiitity from $1 up. Deiivered frce of chanre to anv part of thecitv KlAWE CHARCOALwt 40 cents a sack. ’ 1 Richmond, Va.. CEDAR WOOD POI P.\IĪ.S finished with brass hoops Smail sieo 50 cento; large sise 75cents. Emptv Vine-ar aud Wino BARKELS as water receivers at #1. K1TCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 pounds, 50cts TABT.E S.\LT eivcn away Ilieheal cash price paid for HIDE3, SKINS and TAi.LOW. T11KEE(2)PACKAGES, eouUinine BOXES of TOKIO PAKLOP, MATonly TEN CEN1S. Mulual Telephone 314. -V. BREHAH, Bethel Street augU p 0. Box 480. Mctcal Telf.pho.ne 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy

New and Second Hand Furr IS AT THE CORNER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L ii* RIXG I P MITTAL TELE. 313 THE COMME 8ALOON NIEPER'S Baggage Express. 0®ce, 229 Fort St.. Honololu, IL I. B | H*ndIedTi? W!ljvem3 at Short HARRY KiEMME, h | Xotice to All Parts of tbe C;ty. > | Stand on Cor. of Fort Queen Sl«. , & Berei jy2s Honoiulo.H. Kw Sme JjOy l The Ooly Sjxrtmg 1 Merchant Tallor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladics's Shoe 3. Mo.407 Wr* SAM YSE HOP. iow’n. iO. E, 9. a Spe« LOHEXGBIN LAGEI " Always oa Drauj 2 GLASSES FOR 25 ••m • » m KiDg 161 in Be*f of Wines, Lu Califomi* «ml TT**ai;, n