Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Lost. A GOLD PIN set Satnrday afternoon on Emma street, between tbe residence of Mrs. McCartney and Mre. Dole. j A reward will be pauyto the flnder. Address this office. se!3 Iw Exfra 0RDINARY Good NEWS\ * FOR H0USEWIVES and MAĪWMoN'ALLY INOUNEO MEN. S. Kubey & Co., * No 418 Nnuanu street. opjjK8;te Ceutral Meat Market Second Hand Fnrniture Dealers, have imp >rted an enormous amounl of FURNITURE ! From the Coast Thev r.re prepared to SELL the Best Articles at loVest frices Money i»\ight. and none of us havc more tiVn we know what to d>> with. K(APEY <fe CJ. r»-alize this, and are Accreasing profits to suit the times 1 If you know Ihe value o{ money dejil with S. <fe CO, f.»r in their 8t<»re, One%).ill>ir g->e8 f.»rther t>w <rd buyr\ FUKNITURE thnn three at aw other plaee in the town \ On Saturday e\%nings, open to 9 P.M. Don’t forget the address S. KUBEY <fe C0., Oppo. Central M. Marlcet P.S. Persons having Fornitnre t » aell, will do weil by cillmg on 08. i 8elt) tf City - Carriage M’F’Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. l(. {Blacksmith Work l ASD PAINTING : AND : TBIMMISG In ail il** Branches. at Bed R»>ck Pnces. Mnioal Telephone 382 Give ua a Call and jodjj» f.»r yonr«elf. jj23

A3xmminors x xonct. Tltt UN'DEKSIG?*ED havtac bee» daly ippcioud AdaiaWtr*tor of (kc E«tu« of Pnuo Kakol (k) Ute ol Hooo aU, Ooha. “I Sod«o bettby (ttta to ai cradttor» of the dcccaMd to prcwst ttoeir datw »Whtf •crar«d by M *rt2»c*. oe oltocrwt»e, duly *aitKodinlrd *mf »ith Ute peope» »oacfcenk a *>tv f3ttot lo ihe-aoieMŪawl wilhio oi»ntto* fro«a the «Mte heieo» o» tbey wiil h» f»nrt e.- hortvO. *bJ oh pwo» iodeht«d l» tV mM dc«r*Kd *re rw|»e»« to n»k« io«edwtc p*Tn»ef>t ot ttoe Odk* ol J. E. K*cu*. Ou»»rT of w*d H»«M» ’ |i]roioktī«tiftr <<t £*t«U o/ Ptltlo j Eohou (hi iamaiwA 1 frTf1r it T* 11