Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Plans That Miscarried. [ARTICLE]

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Plans That Miscarried.

Editor Hol^ni: Please publisb the following sketcb of an iiicident whieh happened in our peaceful village. It | will show to all whom it raav eoneem tbat ‘ Wkate»er u done in sccret SiuU he from Cbjrch 8teepk.” Though they may be ever so carcfol, secret wh’spers thongh ever so silent will catch the wary ear. This you may infer ia one ff the few districts where native Hawaiian- havo still held an ascendency over the “Haole AdventBrers’ in government poaitions. Tbe haole cliqne here grudging theni this iittle power still held by them. have and still are trying by petitions and otber unfair raeans to dislodge the natives and scns of theiand frora the la.-t privileges now granted tbe few Ha\vaiians. ffhi.s is writteu at the earnest sdroitation of a nnmber of citizens who desire to see the “tried usurpation to power ’ of tbeae haole adventurers that now bemoan that their “plans raiscarried” nnveiled. F\in Pi.w. Hawaii—Sept. 10th, 1804. Time and Scene. The nionth of August, A small HaWaiian Village. Cbancters aud Qualities. All of the "llaole Clique > ’ a new born “Governraent Billet! Society.” Tbe being; • first seoond aud last, the all po\verful "OurseIves." j V. Locations of Headquarters , “Central Gossip Office.” Be- ( tween 8 and 10 Haole menibers “present” Story-Antbentic »1. T was towards the end of the month of August, a uumber of Haole intriguers w’eie holding a meeting in the Honor-Scared > Villnge. A look at an Asonian eloek wou d indicate tbe hour of 10. Tbey had been talkingnn varions topics when tbe “Qovern ment Billet Bnsiness” was brought to the suiface. Up jumps E— a learned boy and says as if addressing the whole “Haole Monde.” “I saa’ gentlemen. why don’t we run all this Business "Oursel ves. “ \Vh:it busines3?” Inquired a ; comsumpt ve haole clerk who did n>>t quite underst-md. “Why man! Government positions in this d str ct of course.” Thus respond;:d our first “Billet Aquatrsance.” “Xot a b.>d idea in the whole” s<ys a Skiny H-ole Dmcer. ” “What is the use of being bnssed by t’iese lcan>ka lubbers? returns another —well, never inind he could nrt see niueh of nne eye.” “So-so-” says M a mini»ture. supposed Hawaiian King ofthe LtSt c«'itiry.” Y»u raeant\infer th»t B r e now” (TLe Re g : ?tration Boird was in Honor Sceared Vill»gel and apply f >r eaeh of these district pos tion8 then we oau ruu this maehine ti suit Ovrselves. I S‘.'c >nd your motion «nd *‘I,” ahd “me,” and “me t >o,” and “all of us.” Thus cried these gentleraen. E gets oo a chair and thus sddresses the assembly: “Gentlemeu, let’s f »rra a Busines8 C»mmiUee, l name ojyself as Boss you Head Luxa, H from far “Lamp House” SecbetvRY.

After mueh fass and noiee, the O-nn itt-e thus w»s f<»rmed. “Y »u raust c»ns d?r this a Repuhliean Co nmittee «ith ful and absolnte s»y SieiUoriousf§ sny8 E. AfW having iet’red to an adjacer.t io »n» they r-turned as aolemn as h Jury when about to give a verdict. Up stands E: ‘Genlleraen hwe pres“nt, you know th <t t» run this here “ma ch!nery*' to auit ourse!ves, we have t> ruu it ourseIv*-s. Sowe. tbe *‘Triomvirdt-» Co omitt?e” as witb at«oIute pow«r in us iovest j d— app>>int ” t> be (?) Ikputy Sherijf , M—in t >»n. Jo*i Kupi er; C -~Sotary Puhlie. —Post 0jfice 1 Po id Ma*ter —and M<tsier of 1) m- \ c<p». (O ily f*r Haole and Hapahaoie W ifltkeiy) [Kutr>noe t*i 1 B>U*roq/n wHh ‘Pane maka"] M—T*x C»Hect »r.—Land Agent ! L. —F — W.—B— Scbo*»l te«chen ■ ,to«*tc w uut<l all the **macbinfr wat ia their haaUa providec

the Hc*nolola aothort!« sai<i “I K I X0, : * » this “Maeh ado aboat nothing.“ But U he short and §we«t tbeir Plans J/wcarr ied with bat one exception their ‘Ci9tle3 bailt in the »ir*’ tambled down *nd like 9oap ’ bubbles diMrpeared. Suffice —la to say, those lh«t held eooiiniaeiona stili retain them with bui one excep;|.n th*t of “Tax CollectT." Di«tnct officers ail registered and I don’t. «i-e why they should not ho’d ; j their ros;tion9. Hemember tbough my very grasping Haoie adventarers that j “Mao propoaes, but. God Hoping that this the eves of those whom tbe ‘‘Cap raay tit.” I remaia reciprocating yut§s kind wiāhee, To whom it nay concern. ; ’ A.nti Tmi Haole