Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — THEIR LIMIT. [ARTICLE]

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[ The Adverti$tr comes oot witb virtuons SHtisfi»ction this morn- ■ ing ami el-iim? thAt 1333 I men have rogistered When we remeinber tbat about 8000 are the noreber of voters on Oahu we f-el sorprised to noticethe hilarity of our esteemed coratemporary \ j in gaining*less thnn 12 percent ; When the registr.»tīoi ls e!osed 1 we shall oomp«re the drop in voters from tbe days ot the eoestitutional convention to the present date. This is what the “republicans got so f«r.'’ Hawūiaa Island» ** Gnwt Bnuin aud CoIo&ūk Geroniny. *30 Portugal an.1 Is*an.!c AB otb«K ** Toul »» Of those regiatered. 918 ate entitled to rote tōr Sennto« and Eepreaeutat vea, aud4i2 forBep*