Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 Kepakemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Ch«rleston left tbLs morn x ing for Japau. £ W H. Dai.iel« will retnrn I Maai n the Kinaa. ( Mr. C. A Spreckels Ieavcs oa the AusLralia ue*t Satanlay. A gold pin set witb pearls La? ' been lost on £mma Street. A re- 1 ward will be paid to the finder. Mr. HolTHC T Ker the present man•ger of Spreckelsville ia in town. j de enjoys plantation life aud f ooks quite kuaaiua. t 1 C. II. VV etraore retnrned yesI ;erday frora tbe volcano. Mada- . me Pele is vt-r\’ slow aud lacks , J i i fire. ~ Fred NayIor who was assaulted by Tom Carpenter a few days ago . is in a critical conlition. The , >tfending party is beld bv the aotborities without bail. It is nnderstood tbat the : government rnade one of its official stpologizj9 for his participatiou I in tho disgraceful row at the Lo : tel last M onday. — Ti>e Shntzen Club b«iys that the amalgamation basiness with ; tbe Loagae is k atraight fake. Tho ruraor was created by gorae bungry (or tbirsty) newspaper raan who ueoded space, One of the Charleston nien \vas murried yesterday to a youug lady of Honolulu. Everybody bopes that tbe gu)litut hubby will retnru in due tirae and eujoy the honeymoon now spoiled i through the departure of tbe white criuser. A snbscription papor has been started for the purpose of help- , ing Scharf along. It will be roj membered th»t the poor man, who owns a small news store was t)iisely robbed a few days ago. It is seld>>m that puhlie charity was more in its plaee than in this instance. The Celebration army breaks loose this ovening at 7 o’eloek. TLe gentleraen and ladies who compose the dnftnming array will probably sweep down on the saloons and onjoy a rofreshing ghtssof Froderickbnrg an Oyster Cocktail or a newl y in vented poacher pnneh. Tho Anchor whieh furmshes the above montioned salvation drinks have arranged seats for a iarge audi eneo. Coine one, eome all and be saved. Hamakua d strict is full of indignition on aeeounl of the d>amissal of tax collector C. W»lli:tms. The d‘scharged oōieial had taken the oath to the republie and is one of the raost p >pular officials of Hawaii. He had t> mako room to oue of the Horner f*mily. The ways of tbe fiiinister of linanee are somotiraes beyond understanding. Tbe friendship of a dozon Horners seenis to be of raore oousequence than the enmity of a thousand ' Hawaiians.