Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe K<q<o arrive«l this nioroi.jg froao ant) M*oi. 4n<lge Brun*oa will Ie>»ve fnr S»an Fr*nctsco in the Anstrali». The hand plays at M*kee Islsod to nij?ht. Minister Thorst>'*n will not leave on the AostraIift except tbe Conaciis raise bis salary before $atordfty. rf The* party of lad who h<j* ; ! i>een spending tbe smnmerj ati: | Mana will return to t*'wn by ihA** I next K Tf%<* Kuuu buttght as freight: ; bags ul 24 bags cort\, 59 b> g3, bags bones, 1 ; h<>r-iu 1§ batefi lt>3 sheep, ! i93 «ml 185 P k snndrics. \ S _ Aiu -ng tl.e pflasrogers by t!ie Kinan were Bamnel Parlgr,<?. A. Spreckels, A. S. Hoffacke<r .Fatber t Ch. William*, Ch MaJ girlre and W. H.*Daniels. John Hapn, a notorions cii.i»aoter, h«s becn arrested on acb«rgo !of larteny. lt is olaimed that he has stolen a vutoh acd eh <iu from a U. S. sailor whom he de livered up to the Chnrlesb<n. The bnll given Iust night nt the >residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Irwii» was ā most enjoyable affiir. —Tho residence of the host at Waikiki tvas most beaotifaily j decorated and Honoltjla “society’ - w.is arouud. It is reported tbat tho Atueriean Leagne and the Scbutzen i Club hnve joined iu-a eompael tho bbject of Wi.ieh ia to dictate to Mr. Dole’e governraent and divide , the sproils. Mr. Scbai-ff, a bliud man, who carries ou a small basiness on Fort Street was robbed yesterday. ) His stōre was entered aud §25 abstracted from of the till of the , j poor man. The poliee 1irs got a i elue. ! - —- The band gave a fine coucert at i Thomas Sqaaye last night. The | beautiful uioouIight and eool weatber tempted a number of ! people to attend. Mr. 10. F. Stoneman will re- i • | main in Honolulu for somo we«ks preparatory to erab:trking for • Johannisburg, South Africa. He will a\vait advices from Judge Bronson who leaves on Ihe Australia. A number of school boys will take passage on the Austra!ia aud probably returu iu a year hs fullfiedged judges and lawyers. ! that is. if they don’t eomo “after ! the republic is over.”