Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THOS* LIN DSAY Merrbntii Su»el. Honoielo ? Sfic Storr.~neu- Jnixlry G<Jd, Silttr (i nd Dktmonds. Je«e’rv Manufactor« to on!er. - I W«icbe$ c*« aud refaired all »n and io?pect s4- tfpf^JiT & V M\1 kE T> E TC., A ii» fwiiiios \Wmā\. By F.'«ry £b.-.mi«r fmaM»ii F.-»a- i ci*co. with J Fresh Fruii, 0 \sfvrs, / w e V Sa!mon, Po4ltry, Et- . Etc., Ktc , Erc. — Htong - 3ranch -8ATWmG- . ' Establishment. This First-Class Bathing R>'S<vrt has becn enlarged and is now open 1 to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Buth, *nd there ;s no better plaee to lay oft. Sf>ecial accotumodations for Ladies. Tr>mcan pass the d »or every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. e. J. shi:rwood, jy24 Proprietor. S. NISHIMURA, Commission Merchant, 19 Knnanu Streef, Ilonolnln. IMPORTERS and DEALERS io japan tea dry uoons. SILKS aml PR0VISlONS. ,\c« Good« by Emjr Ste«m*r. Mutnni Telpfeotio. 317. sept 6— tf. SMOKERS, ATTEXTION. Hollt8Ur & Co. have received a farther 8 npply of the ceIebratiHl G. H. D pipee direct from the factory as weli as a new stoc!{ of 8inl>er an<l ineerschaum cigar aiul c5garette h Jders. Also was matche 8 . * T. B. Murray h Vc( to be f oaml On the Olil Nianil, \«. 41 Kliii: »(.—III» ilinine»* ui CAHRIAGE AND (Joes On. When the “PEOPLE8’ PARTY” gets smashe<i he will be ready to REPAIB PilST iHD ĪHII1T At a Keasonable F gare. — No Extra Charge for Farnishing them with Commou Sen.se. LET THE.M RLSG UP MUIUAL TELEPHONE 572. )tlta KEK. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Matiuak<u * P-aahi Street. New »t *U ra»ti<l • 1 50 Otd sei adl root.i i 00 Xact Door to Ko. 5 £0910» Uv&*. ■ V