Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ eOLUMK. OU!\ QUICj< SAJ.ES \ f AND > Policy ■ i.s a f.»r betttr one for tbe pnhlie t':.an the res.«urect;on |>rocess keowu as 'i Special Sales. Goodts beIow Cpst etc.. etc , etc., ) . I at whieh llie graves coutaiuing | g oils of times gone by.are opened, and the tuo!dering corp 1 sts trotted out to make a show One never gets speciai valne at sales; one may get Low I’rices for lkssurccted Goods, bnt spe r eial value never. • Special valnesare only obtaiu- ■ ed wbere yon get seasonab!e . g»ods, where Quick Sa’e8 and ( sma!l profits are the fandament i! pnneiple of the house you are ilea ing \vith ; EXPEf\IEttQE Will TeacH YoJ Tijis > - 'if vou do not rea’?ize it now. - Quick siles~and smail profits ] meaii also no dull counters, uo dul goods, but new sty’es, iu fact goods that s 1! at prices that are 1 i just rig t. Have y u noticed any of those * W\isjs we apoke of last we k ? If not, vou are certainly not very ob _ serving, for t!.ere h«s been more of theiu so!d by us 1 ist week thau was ever s>>ld iu Houo’u ii in any 1 two \veeks. Quick sa'es nd b |-mna!! profito policy di«i it Only e! a few <f. t ;ein !eft. The same s i tbing raigi»t he s iid of ’ CWA<I Ē P-\^SOLS We h»vo some handsome Urai brel!as aud Paraso’s Twelve yards dress patterns of 3 ; Oenuine īrish Linen l.awns in • co!ors. at #‘2. '0 a pattern J l»eineraber the .pl ee; that if t you have any donbt, a eall »t onr ] siore wd! satisfy you tlmt all \ve . < v about Quiok Sa'e and sraall 1 profits is a FACT. f \ B. F. EHLERS & C0. 1 ; _ PANĪHEON SALOON, FOP.T AND IlOĪEI. STS. 1 fieadanarters Brewim Co. 1 the 5 ' ? Larg st Consigmuent of Heer that ever arr»ved liere, noi oa Draoght . J. DODD. Pr«i>’r V I.. B. KERR'S ■ j ANNT)U N C EM ENT! — j I ll.WE Jr>T R£CEIVED A LiRG E A >iA.> i; i hNT OF . FINE S11TINGS, ELF.GANT PATTERNS, AM) LATEST STVIES. j Tbese «rill be s»Ki in any Qusutity from & 100 Yakds Dowx to Enoioh to Make a Sixgle Srnr! —AXD AT— Hi£D TI1E PBIf!E8i l. n. IMPOK^LK, Qa««a ■"■ : - ; L- ■ ■