Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 Kepakemapa 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ax inv<>s tip«tion shoald l*e j ra»de in reg*rJ to tbe ro« whieh took pUee Ust Mind»y »t the HoteL Tbe A<hf.rtiaer states th»t one man i« injnred and auother badly hart If a man ift kicked in the eye and another has his nrm broken we »bonId , think thst the gorernment woald bave a good cise of raayhem nnd an opportanity to »tep in aud arrest the off-jnder'. right nnd left. The snggestion of the • barkeej«r to the Euglish geutle- ; meii to nse the wind«»w ns n luenn» ; of escape pror©s thst tl»e govern ‘ iucnt official who made him«elf unmeron« witb hi« friends wero j prepnred and desiring a fight. J Furmerly the clerks ander the governrnent were accased of bcing Rpendthr»fts, brawlers nnd dranks: nnder the present imraacniate rcgirae tbey don t R©ein to j have got over tbe accu»ation. The oflicials nnder thera onarchy j mav have had smnll heads, but they were gentlemen. I nder the republic they are evidentjy nll legs and no gentlemen.