Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T. B. Mmra} I 1« Vel fo i»e ' nnNil On the Old *»lan«i. Xo. 4 I King »1,— IIi'h nn«ines<« a CARRIAGE AXD i’l’n AU Goes On. When the “PEOPLE8 PARTY M gets smashe«l he will be ready to B£FiIB, FUIT AND TBIH1T • ’At a ReasonabIe Fīgnro.— No Eitra Charge for Farnisbing tbem witb Comnion Sense. LEI THEM RING UP MUTUAL lELEPHONE 572. y2I f>m Plonccr Shlrt Factory E»TABLISHED 1SST. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 518 Fort St., (L'pst*irs) Good Fit jEmpire Saloon, JaMXH OLW, PMOP*ieTOK. pine Wiiies, Liquops. Beep ALWAS ON HAND, Corner Nnnann and Hotel Stn>eto. BeU Telephone 241. Post Office Box 107
V \’ c c 7«Oy^/r>fr. — V i*rSATOSSUP Sometimes wbere to go to porcbase any particnlar artiele, bnt not if yon happen to want anvthing in the line of £rtists' £upplles, Pirture p?ames, 1
or enlarged portraits, there is but one plaee in Honololn, to porcfaa<e al! rnaterials, and that’s BKOS. ’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these UUnds. Tfae fine=t paintings in Hawaii, «re on exbibītion in this gallery. The firm makee a specialty of enlarging portraits as well as makmg pictare frames in the Tery latest sty!es of moaldings. In the sheet pictares, they have thf‘a3ands to select froeu of they inrite an inspection al aay time. Hoki kixg bros-, Street. : : ; Honoiaia! aug. 2ō-lxadly.