Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden | Rule y Bazaar, * j Depot £or NEWSPAPER3 asd PERIODIC VLS by erery incoming steamer. I Subscriptious Payabfe in Adrance. /> * ? : i DOMESTIC k SEWING P MACHINLS. Tbis Maehine is ihe Ktng of all. On it yon eau tuake a stitch, Chain-stitch. Embro:den’, liutton-holes. RutHes,-Tack*i-Guitars, Luwu Tennis, Baseball. Croq* i et. Stationerv and Blank Books at Cash Pbice8. . Haml Sewing Machines from eight do!lars aud a half op.if£jy27 T. H. Dayfes| & Co., Fresh Feed and Flcurl From WASHINGTON.
Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, JVIiddiing8, Bran, er “ W rrimoo,” Just to H nd. | New Dry Goods Croekery, Hardware, j Groceries, j I I To Hand.
Bailey Honolulu Made Wire Woven Matresses and Hammocks ■ 3J M C1TY DRAYAOK CO, Stand: Queen *nd Fert Stnet?. \Vnib? aod H'eok Ssnd. Drajing IX>ne aī Rej*.*ablv Kaiei. w. p. 4*111