Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Citysa Meat Market Oppo. Qce*n Emma Hall. Edtablubed 1883 JOS. TINKER, B JjcTjiF^ }faker of the CelehraUd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt Theji. Meat DeliT©red to Any Part of the Citv and Soburbs. Mutoal īelephone Number 289. T r — Corner of — VIOTEL A NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroidertd Hadkerchiefs, Window Curtaina, Straw Hats, Fans. Lanterns, Haakela. all snrts; Oiahee, Tea and Breakfast Seta, Trays, Flower Pots, Silk Bedquilts, Hamhoo Screens. Neck-ties, Silk and Crepe Shirta, Japauese T>»ys, J:\paneee Provisions by tbe wholesale. jy28 MURATA & C0. City - Carriage fd’F’Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEplT, Blacksmith Work AND Carriag2 Rjpairing PAINTING ; ANI) : IKIMMINO In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Prices. Mutual Telephone 382 iJĒT Give us a Call aml juiiu;e for yourse!f. jy28 AS]QVXSTBATI0H'8H0TICI. TIfE UNDERSION'ED iu»io< bo.-n daly appoinlei AdminL<rrntor of ine K«totr ot Pkīelo Kakoi. (k) Ut« ol Hono nln, (Uaa. deceM«d. Noliee U hcreby (C>r*n to a> cmfltor* of the deceMed to prri«at tb«ireUim« wbe»her sccared hy M.>rtit*jre. or otl»erwūe. doly authendk.*’ted »wf with tbe pw»p«r T«mcher«, if »ny eibt to the undcr»|yi!-d wllhln «ii montt» frcm the d»le hereo( or th*-r wiil be forere.- barred; »nd *11 per«ona lndet>ted to tbe *ald dccvMed »rc requot tj> make ;JE medUte payment »t the U(R-— J. E Ktcui, Comer ol Queeti ud Nunan'. 3treets, l'p-»Uiri>. KAILI PETELO KaKuI Admin»tr*tor- of lbc E»t*te of Peleio Kmkol (k; dcccan*tL <- v^ llonolnln, 3epl )(, iaa». «ept Il-5w. YEE CHAN, deai.ee in Fiqs Farni$hing (|ood$ Fine Ta:k»riu3f Fine Chinese and Japanesa Handkerchiefa Nos. 31 U> 33 Nuuanu 8t. Honolola, P.O. Box 358. jy5 ■■■ (=~‘ - J. H. TRUSOHLER, Boot Sc Shoemaker. . 130 Fort &r*ei. , Rcpairing. neatly Dono. haif so!e and heel witb pegs, 11.00. Half eole and heel 80wing, $1.50. au7 MEDEIROS & Co. Merchant Tallan. Ameiiow, Twd«' oa St m** work i«P .Arliri9tnn Bkck, na & £JECk£cL )T\7-taaoa