Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fite. Liiie <& Marine INSURAiNCE. v, v Y 1XSURANCE C0.. Assets, $ 7.109.825.49 LQNT)OX-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO. t Aasets, $ 4.317.052.00 | THAMES-MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO., As8ets. $ »| XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., ' Assets, $137.499.198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Agent for the Hawaiian L jnd3, llnnolalu i I / .. -oL &( Bf^o [ '"”i *- - IMPORTEKS AND DEALERS ĪN Grocenes, Pix>visions ANI) Peed, EAST eOKNEK F0RT <fe KINGISTS. # r . New 6oods Rec'd H. By everj’ Packet frora the Eastern States anel Europe. Fresh California Produce by evexy steamer. All orders faithfully atteuded to, and Goods delivered to any part of the eih' FKEE 0F CHAKGE. Ialand 0rdars SoIicited. Satisfaction Guarauteed. Post 0ftice Box No: 145, Te!e; hono No. 92. THE H0N0LUUJ_S0fiP H0USE. Sclls tho rcry of SOAP at *4.ā0 pcr 100 pounds anel IT b»rs of ‘i5 ppunds W>nc8t wcii:lit for ♦i.Ī5. GERMAX BLTE CA8TII.E SOAP, manufacturcd by Bro*., Manulieim, Gi ruiany, at 10 cent» per i>onnd. TO!LET SOAP, rrtail at wholeeale priccs. SOFT S(5.\P in tins <>f 4J pound*. STEARIC WAX MININO C ANDI.ES, tnanufactur:d by the Emrvy Candle Works of eineinali, Oliio, I.’ Caodl<s for 25 cents. KIAU'E FIRE WOOf), *Ī0 per cord. The sarae cut in blocks of II inches lom; at any quantity froni ?i up. DcIiTered free of charge to any part of thecity. KIAWE CITARCOĀL 40 cent< a sack. Richmoud, Va.. CEDAR WOOD POI P.UL3 finished \ritli bras- hoop?. Sinall 'sire 50 cent •'arge sl*e 75 ccnts Empty Vincu r ar and Wine BAKKELS as watcr rccciTcrf at fl. KIT< HEN SALT ■; -:uks ofi')j>iunds, 30 <t- T.\BLE SALT given away. llurb> 3. casb piiee paid for HU)ES. SKINS and TAi.LOW. TtfREE{3) PACKAC,ES. eonlainiiu: :!0 BOXES of TOKIO PARLOR MATC11ES, on!y TEN CENT3. X- EHEHAM, Alulual Teleph >ne 314. Bethel Street ang0 I' 0. B«x 4S(>. Mctcal īelephone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furnitnre IS AT TliL: eoHNEK OF King &. Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiulu h. i. ,wl ' ,nmTu : THE COMMERCIAL ;PER S Baggago Expres» t Offi -e, »0 Fort SL. Hoaoluln. II. 1. OH L00N y gage and Furn:ture Caref>iUy idled acd Delivered at Short HARRY KiEMME, Mdnager iee to All Pirts of the C:ty. ,d oh Cor. of Fort i <C=o™ Sl,.. Cor. N.wnn * BereUn.. >ts. <y25 ’ NVOHJ2£ SiH2T Tho Only Spc{rtiDg House in Merchant Tailor, Town ‘ __ O. P. 8. a Specialitv. t Goo<-h, Mtn ana lMdxe$ 9 > — ;Lohengeis lager >beee, 5 Always on Dranght. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. SA5I YEE HOP, Kiog Street, Dealer w of LiquorS , on.l TT•» ii p rn< . oraU and Fraiis Vege» bles. Gu.tva lelie, | aod Grai:d Ctitl»e, etc. I A: iy20 I and Cigar8, ALWAYS ON HAND. ial tf