Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED, BABY • CARRfAGES Of ALL STTLES. 7! ■«* OD6 — £IS THE LATFST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES £IaXD SEWIXQ ilAChLSS8, \il With the L*tMt InipTOTeinetit»^C3 PAKLOK Opa:ans, Guitarr, /.» \ Oth«r Moeieal Instramei> \Vines, I.iquors, Beer ALWAYSOX HAKD, AXD FOB 8ALE BY CD. HOFFSGHLiEGER t 00 Hf.. opt>o. C«Htle k Oooke’e W A X T K 13 ! rU*NlTUBK, D19HE9. OLaMWAKE. A eioek». W«tcbe». Jewclry, 01d Gold »nd 6U»cr, »nd eTcrvthlu({ booebt »nd »old »t 114 Alnu Stre«t. corj«r of Al»kc». )j-<7 p. O. Box -V9. Xou*nu St. S. YASUWIORI, MERCHANT TAILOK. Doaler in Japftueso (ioods, Boots and Sh«ies of Japanese mnke; Chc«p for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE Sl T Xi KEE, 49 KIXG STUELT. TIXSMITH. *m> 1)E.ALEU IX OLA88w»re, Crockerr, Coal-Oil Stores, W ater Pote—l‘tumbmg iu All lU Hr»uchmi Faithfnlly £xecnted. jjr!8-ly ¥IEX KEi; TINSM1TH am> DEALER IN TIS\VARF. Pipiug Laid and Repaired. AH Orders Proraj>tly Attended to. Charges Very Mt)derate. C.>11 and See Ua. No. ‘222 Maunakea St., Honolulu. iy20 Im peMMWINL JJHCK OOK.NKK OF Nuuanu and Beretania Streets. :>61 Both Telkphone8:-> 661 GOOD, HKLIAELK and jy2T tf CIV1L DR1VKHS. - Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. » MT1NS' NTKEET n*ilera io Ladies’ A Gents' Bootf and Shoes made to order. P U Box 367 Jj9 YUY1 RESED1ES. WILL ei ill ewnoumpUoo. Kbe>im»!>»m 0«t»rrh. Croui>. »1! Sktn d.»«aie«. Fem»l« Co»o »nd ri:e» lu ihe »or*t form. Hupe* »re entert»tned lh»t it wlll c»r» Th«t «re Ve«*el»ble KemeAle* »nd e«D be uaed bv Ihe toosl detkwte »nd the yocufWt rhtld. Pr>ee> » ohln the r«»rh of »11. S.>!d by ■> O. i.«llow>y, (•• K.tf»a W«y aioek, uuder Htnso»T if«U. Hnuolalu. Xew Japan AIarket. S67 Mauaakea Streft. Fresh Meat on Ice 4 Pound 25Cts. SugukI, Manager. a»gl HoVenl(eB^C!o. Tinsmiths and Dealers -IXCrockery, ClAssware, <$c. WATER PIPE8 LAID AXD PLUMBIXG MUTLY EXECVTEO S« U Knwaau 8S, Heiel imiMiok