Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ARRIVED ii L s . - French aod Scotoh Oingh»m» >&ew) ... .10% i ‘k' 0 - ao^ Vicioiia Lawn» (new). 10 vds fo»~V x * * \ IDC. White Dr?as Goods Cnew).. .l(te. T 1-X. 'ioi'-. 0 »* °‘* HJ Wbite snd Colored Dimities [no»J. ... - * n< * ®** LIannelletLs. ail co!ors, (M*i 10 yds for %l-W S3CThe old ra*xira— * There is nothing new «nn'’ —knocke<l oat. Cajl and J>e convincevf. M. S. LEVY, Whq is now s<?ltled in Benson. Smith .k Co. 'a 0,1 d Stand, Fort Street PtEIFlED WAĪEE. \ . >>_ . « ]Vo Microto©s. IS U3ED BT TUE CONSOLID.\ TED SODA WATEH WORKS COM P ANY—Limited. 'Tl2.e37- 3TvLrnis!bL tlxe T 1 o-axrta,irLS 'T!b.io“a.g'lxo'CLt i t!b.e Cit3T, EXCCPTINa ONE 1Pulxo as Cr3rstalTET IT. <£1 aug7 I HOLLISTER &: CO. Importers. Wholesale and Retiil Dealars.in TlTLe ClgSLXS, Toloaoco, and Sxno3sexs -^-xtioles. Agents for ihe Celebrated O. B. X). PTPES, M.\DE LN PAK13. 1 I Benson, Smith & Co. The Corncr s=r DRUG STORE Pure Pmors, Fine P erfum.es, Prompt Attention, Low Prices Comer Fort & Hotei Sta aui