Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ORDIf»Mty .... HOUSE WlVES ind #ATR>HOS' -*■ ALLYIMCUHED MEM. S. Kubey & Co., 418 Kaaanu stre«t. _ oppcB : .te Central Meat Market Second Hand Furniture Dea!ers, { have 5mported an enonnoua arr.ouot of FURNITURE,! Frotn the Coast Thev are prepared to SELL the . Best Artrcles at L()WEST PmCES Money ia tight. &nd none of us i have more thaiw we know what to ( d>i with. KUBEY & C0. r«-alize i this, and »re decreasing prvht8 tc suit tbe tlmes If jou know the value of money deal with S. (UBKY CO. for in * their store, One D.»ll.ir goes further tow.ird buying FCRNITURE than three at any cther plaee in the town I On Saturday evenings, open io 9 P.M. Don’t fcrget the address S. KUBEY & CO., Oppo. Central M. Market P.S. Persons having Furnitnre . i t<> sell, will do well by c»lling on ! i us. selU tf Removal! Hustace & Cq, HAVE MOVED TO — Morgan’s - Aucticn - Rooms for a short lime. We arestill selling Departure COAL CHARCOAL, M ALGEROBA and - KINDLING WOOD m *ny qu*,illty. Both Telephones'4lt »u6 POUND MASTER’S XOTICE. Notice is hereby piven to all persons that there are atlhe Oovernment Ponnd at Makiki, tWo 8traved bulls. 1 bbck bnll branded Ron rigbt hind leg. 1 pineo bnll brand indiscribable ou leg Anv persou or persons owing these bnlls are reqnested to eoiue aud take the same on or before 12 o’eloek noon, 8ATDRDAY, SEPT. 15. 1S»4. JAMES KDKOXA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Ang. 30. 18»*. augH)-lwdy POUND MASTER’S NOTKE Noūee is hereby given to all persons that there are at the Governinent Ponnd at Makiki, one red Cow, bruuded A5 on nght bind teg, an.i rgnt frout leg. Any person or pereons owning this Cow, are reanested to eome and take tbe aame on or before 12 o’eioek noon, SATDRDAY, SEPT. 15, 1SM. Wm. KAAPA. Fonnd Maater. Makiki, 8«pt U. 189*. sept l-lw MACHINE MADE OI! FACTOBY, ; : KALiHl. Taro Plants, Fresh Tops and Raw Taro at all times. ; ’ Ring Up Mulaal TeIephone 577. 1 Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy*25 Manager. PACIFIC 8AL00N, Conur King a»d Nuuann 5treeta. EDW. WOLTEB— M*nager. The Fi*eat sekction o i LIQ D ORS w iWTR *old anywhere m the im. Fīr»t-d** atteDdenoe. C«U cnd j«dge *r yoawelf. ao 30-tl. P!oncer Shirt Factory «STABLISI(ED BS7. •W M. M£LLib, Proprietor. 1 ' • a 5Iafan5C, Honolalu. (UpeUinO UoodlY