Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THOS* 13^i\ 2U6 Merchant Street, Honok Sew Ston, ner Jewtlry G Silvtr and Diamonds, Jewe ! ry M«nufactore to or W«tches eleannl and repai fyr»ll in ai<d in»pect.£ se4-tf. F*t<JiT MvO tB Ti E 1 Corncr Klnf ud AUk« famarino's Refmera Bv Everr St«invr frotn San Fran eUeo. wiib Fresh Fruit, Oysters. Salmon, Pouh Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Et To Let or Leas A HOUSE on Kin« «trvct, nrxt to W&lker s premise«, eonUlnin* partoi ning room, »nd thror b«droom», l kiīehen. bathroom, »Ubl« »nd »11 n i eonwnieneem l»telvocrnpled bv Mr. Dt I Artc»l»n w»ter I»Id; rcnt moder*te t poneihle p»rtr. Addre»» ABRAHAM FERS*AXI aujj Woven Wi i Mattresses Now, for the first time man tured right here in Honolulu. the only man outside of the Ui Kingdom. who uses \VIRE, vt will not RUST; be having sec exclusive rights to use the saa PATRONIZE HOME INC TRY is a hackneyed phrase. But il want to buiid up a Nation, i lries must be fostered. Keep money in your own islands. buy a Non-Corrosive Solid Cor Spring Bcd, made in Honolulu, whio’i wi SAG or RUST, or, A Perfcctlon Cot, Child’8Crib, Vcr»ad»h Ch»ir, Lonnjte, Thrcc-Qo»rU!r» 81ngl«; Fnll Slzc, Foldlng Wlre Bc ARTICLES suitable to elimale; PR1CES suitable tc times, as you find them. the I3est BED in tl Market, I recomraend the HART1 WEAVE SPRING BED, ‘ \Vire all through, \VOVEN as elolh. 4 ineh. Maple framrs, Mal Cagtings, Wanranted in ticular. Never vet failed t satiafaction. I offer these g<vxl8 to tbe i witb confidence. haviag made for years. You ean now get very Large KOA BE fitted with a \VIRE MATT] Any sire made to order. Buy ihe BED of FUTL’RE, of Messre. T. II. * & Co. Lt'd., Hopp & Co., Wi Hroe., I. X. L, ōrdway <k ur of tbe Maker WO VEN WiRE BA/i Hoiel Street, Honolulu, -» »_ u at u .i