Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

FOR SltE rria pnp» nt ol rl Tmis pop* o*t ol|b* b«*t«« ''P«dgo" m t»ghtias sloek 11 ••ch#wer" boB» wvrd *'go. pop» tn for reg«*rt*ū>n » Kiw of IL» puvnt» » eoaal »o tk ■t Dogn ia Ihe C«atrr. P»rt»« un* ■ c*ttiediT«toc a hogdog »iB do ĪMP»vt thts iitter. Enqaire *t the Āarf»r S»to W. M. CrXSlUGHA »fOt 3—lm PIONEEK 22= CANDY F i2£ I B4KERV and lee Cream Parlo 0R \W 1863 1894 ll PRACTICAL confec tion: a.vd ORNAMENTER /u all branehes of the bv*inet. fhe*e ūiand*. AmeHean, Ensrliah, Germ*n *ad Frenc PASTRIEtf M»de to C BIHTH-DAY ASD WEDDCiG C M*de ol the Verr Beet Maleml a *t Reason»ble Rate«, Family Graham & Fancy B Alwayi on līanā. ALL tOXFEtIIOXI Manuf»ctured al Mr E«tablishme Are Guaranteed to be *Positirelj- Pt 8old at PHeee no other estabH«bi ean eompeie with. FACTORY AND ST No. 71 HoteI Street, Honolulu Both Telcphoue8 No. 74. Per S.S. AUSTRAL from the Coast CAMAEDT( Refrig-eratc 0- " • ■'**’ Contain a Full Supply e House, such as Frozen Oysters, Fresh Salmon, Canlifl Celery, Museat Grapes, ■ Peaehea, Api Mectarine*; Japanese P Tokay Grapes, German Pi Crawford Peaches, Silver Pi Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett P Sikle Pears, Etc, (Jalifomia Fru ■ Market. Muiual Tel. 378 Gust. A. Mauer , HAWAIIA# HOTKL BAl Ladies Shampooing a . aky. Honolulu. i fJo Kahului, Maul