Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.
Aagnsi 30, 1804. The ihoasands «nd thoeaods o( people who read the daily papers >and get ihe newe happenings from the four qoariers of earth. ; do so with thonght of the expense attached to getting out a { paper and the trials and tribaiaof the editor and freqnent money to the owners. The difficaitiee whieh be set tbe patbs of newspaper people vary according to locality; in the Notbern States, where there are ' nine months winter and tbree months very late fall,” it frequently happens that the roads are blockaded with snow, just about the time ihe paper sapply is ex- , haasted, so the editor has to fall back on bis polished-snrfuce book paper to get out his edition. In Vicksburg, Missisippi, away back in tbe sixtiesan entire stock of wall paper was used in getting out a weekly paper, newspaper was not obtainable. * In some plaoes the peoplo will demand a maximum of news, J ielegrapbic and loeal at a min>raam pn'ee, and then want to pay their subscriptiou and advertis* ; ing bills in wood or vegetables. But when Satarday nigbt comes around tbe and ungentle compositor rebels, when is of-1 fered anything, bnt eoin in pay- . ment for his services, and tbis 1 accounts for the fact that half the editors in United States are troubled with iusomnia. We have known compositors in eountry towns to actsfally refuse to live on a diet of roller composiand strike if tbe editor would not divide the contents of the paste pot. In Honolulu, things are ditFerent; paper is manufaotured in California, and the oeean uever freezes so hard that the vessel can’t run, so thero is no delay tbere in getting a stock of paper;the “typos” uspally meet the business Mauagers on Satnrday with a broad smile whieh tbey give in exohange for good gold eoin, and the editors who do not wear search lights in their sbirt fronts leave them oti, they do not wish to be mistaken by tonrists for capitalists. Tho compositors, too, are of a batter class thau you will find on the Pacific Goast; they dress betfcer, live better and are better citizens tbunyou will fiud in other places, evou at twelvo and a half cent beer is not indacement enough for them to take on If there is anything tbat will set off the appearance of a home, ■ a good hanging Lamps is the tbing. We have a new stock of Lamps that is so varied io styles and prices tbat we Can snit tbe taites and purses of eveiyone. The burners, whieh is really more important tban the decorations, have been selected with a to securing tbe mosfc powerful ljght with the least possible amount of heat. We offer thesp to the public at ‘prices sufficiently low to induce more people to buy than we bave Lamps to sell. Garden Hose is. as mueh a necessity as a telephone. The long stretobes of dry weatber kills tbe grass aoiess it is imgated and you c*nnot very well iirigate unless you bave Hose, tbe water is meagre but with a little conWving one ean «iways get enongw to keep the grass and, planle arif?. m ,i^^* Table Knives, Carvers, Spoons I and Forks are cbeaper ihmn tfaey I have ever been beforo and we have a big stock of them. The Knives are the best made in the States and the Spoons and Fork* the best qaadrnp!e plate. Tfaese will last aa loag as so!id ware tbat oosta foor or ftve limee as maoh. We keep always * fall line of theee gcods and eao sopply &ny demand. We neglected to menlion wheo writing abont Garden Hoee that we have a qaaotity of the lateet improred water eprinklers tbat we eaa aell vexy ehaap asd whioh are boand to give saWactiod, if for no otber leaaon ihan thev w||| not gel oat ol order and very Iittle force ef waUr nuM Uiem. «i Bn«ia eutrot tt. j «ariM8M« - *