Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 Kepakemapa 1894 — WHAT WE WILL SEE. [ARTICLE]
~Tbe Da'ly The»trical Comp«ny whieh will arrĪTe hero in tbe Mariposa on the 27th inst . will pl«y the following repertoir during tbe season: "Tbe Two Orphans, Tillotson s comedy-drama, ‘*Linwood.*’ • Yonng Mrs. Winthrop.” '*Only a Coantry Girl,” *‘Oar Boys,' Cbarley’s Annt " D*!y’a comedy, **A night pff.” ‘*Hazel Kirke ? ’ ‘ The hlaek FUg,” "Damon and Pythias.” "iim tbe Penman.” "In Missonri.” ‘*The Silrer King,” '‘Corner Grocery,” ‘Jane,” “HMp , -et.” ‘ Romeo and Juliet,” ancr BaNer’s drama, *‘The Lady of Lyons.” The company is composed of tbe fullowing people, among whom Honoluln will weleome ser•ral old friends: May Nannary, | Geoeriere Nannary, Kate Dalgleish, Kitty Belmour, AI H. Hallett, Weiner, Mollie Btockmeyer, W. R, Dailey, Mortimer Snow, Louis Belmour, Ricbaxd Scotta P. A. Nannary, Henry Scblolj, J. W. Howard.