Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 Kepakemapa 1894 — THE CAT LET OUT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tlioi-e was con!»ider«bl« fos» iuade a few days ago on account of nn !idvertisomeut whieh appeared in the coIumns of the Holomua aud iu whieh it was said that the name of the great aud good Dole hed been taken iu vain, whieh accordiug to the good book is improper. It waa hardly poaeihle for any sensible man to beliere that the fuss roally emauatevl fiom the presidential oftice. lf the chief of the republic sbould piore himself so thiu skioned as it appeared iu i this eaae he wou!d indeed have a aweet time of it during the eoming six years ofhis ineumbency ! when ho will meet a determined aad decidedly hostile opposi-1 tiou. lf Cleveland or Carnot or ; anyother president of a repub)tc j ever had sndTored from sensitive-1 ness m sucb a degree th« latter would have bteu in his grave loog beforo Santo sent him tbero aud the fortoer wouid nerer have dreamed of a eei;ond, leave alone > tbird terni Hwvwr fu& u<d āwōo

!from Mr. Dole. wbo joost likely never resd* tbe »3verfi8ement , n | qaes(ir-D, bot cre»teil hy t ‘ nuioWr nf gentlensen wl.o Itboogbt that they h»d foond * good op|K‘rtnnity to deprive a feiloir sportsman, who ie more sn< cessfnl thnn tbey are of tbe rigbt of hunting Tb*t such i» tbe f:ict wa« proven by a protett whieh tbe snid gentiemen forwarded a few days ago to tbe miniater of the interior in whieh they conde6cendiogly approve • of bis conrso in re{uaing a license to Mr. W. M. Cunningbam—who did not write the advertisement in question —and reqnest tbe minister to persist inaaid refusal. TLe adveitisement ia not the on!v cause why these sonsitive gentlemen desite the license re* fused. There are otherand more weighty reasons «mong whieh | that tbey positively know that Mr. Cunningham has been violating the game laws and tresp»ssing on private rights. The gentlemen who take upon themselves the task of dictating to the minister plaee tbemselves in the r.»ther nnenviable poeilion iof conspirators. The shooting season has openeU only a week ago so they presumably. refer iin their accusation to acts per- ! potrated months ago. Now, if i these sportsmen positively knew months ago that Mr. Conningbam was vio!ating the game laws was it uot their duty to have him arrested, tried and puniaheel for that hideous od‘ense. Theyclaim that they have positive know- • ledge of the said violation and | could thorefoie easily have ob* tained a conviction. And after such conviction the minister would be justified in refusing to grant a new lieenee. On tbe bare unsubstaiitiated word of six private individuals no rainister wonld adopt such a radical measure. The gentlemen have failed to prosecnte Mr Cunningbam, they have simply used tLeir presumed iufluence \vith miuister to deprive a man of a logitimate aud healtby enjoyment. If he shoots more birds thau they do, it is probably becanse he knows more about the bnsiness than tbe esteemed sextet(e. Mr. Cunuingham owns sbooting-rights, guns aud dogs. He has assisted in importing good birds and tboroughbred dogs and the tliaaks be gets | from the woukl-be sportsmen is that they try to get him lreated as au evil doer by the authorities. It is fortunate tbat Minia- j ! ter King isn’t bnilt that \vny |