Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GONSALVES An«ar» Kwp» oa llv>i a oi Uk Vm Best Piooeep Soap| lii of W.. 4i 50. fiO »ad TV> Rir» THTS IS TTtF Finest Imported Here. SPECIAL PRICES. R)R 5 CASES IX LOTS. M AINSLEY C0MPS Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH W1USKEY BEN ALDOCHLAN, Ainsleys OLl) Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NION Extra, Sp eeia 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LlOl EI K SGOTCH WH1SKEY.| ViNQ-:-FAT- : -CHAN —: FURNIWRE ŌEALERS. Bog to iaform the pnbUc lhat thry bave openod a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St.. Where they earry a eompiele Une of BEDKOOM SETS. CHAIRS, TABLES. WARDROBES, STAXD8. Etc„ Et . El Furnit\ire Kri>alrr.l anil <irnrral Juhhinn nl Kra«unnhlr VING FAT CIIAN, Faclory. con«er of Kinp anti Bethel StreeU. sept 6-3ms e L.0\/eJ0Y &co. WljoIegale Wiije \ li^uoi 1 ūealei^ 19 Nauano Street We would eall your nttention to j Our Special Brands Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg BEER au2 in caskaor bott!es Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Frnits nnd Grocerios. Fresb Fruits by Every California Steamer, Kresh IsianJ Botter i frotn Hawaii. 13-3 Fort Street. Coffee Ro«sted P O. Box 169 \ Fresb lsiand Prodnce, Ooods J Delivered to Any Fart of the \ City, jy21
Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island ol Oaha, - Agont to Take AcknowleilgmentB to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenaee, Honoiaiu. Oaha. *«<«'♦ fnr Iha Haw'n lalaiul* of ••• - - Pm A Scott’8 Freight and P»rcels £xpreae. Agent for the BorIington Konte Bal Blat! Bnter aii teral ir« Bell Tel. 348: Mnt. Tel. 139; P. 0. Box Alō. ŌFF1CE: No. 39 MBRCHASil &xmt Honoluia ; H. I