Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
t:r INSURAN T CE,-S fire and mapine the i spersign ei> is authorizeh T0 TAKE FIRE a«> MAHINE RISKS OS . I Buildin2rs, Merchandise, i H ulls. Carg:oes, Kreights and Commi^ions At Current Bates, iu the Following Cos. ROYAL ISSUHASCE COMPANY, L1VERP00L, \LLIASCE ASSURASCh. FIRE <Sc MARINE, LOKOON, 0 WILHELMA OF MADGEBURG GESERAL 1SSURASCE CO. SUS ISSURASCE COMPANY, SAS FRASCISC0. .T. S. WAI KEK, for the Hawaiian Islands. OKOWAl & P0RTER, īU)hiiison llloel', Holel St ., hetwccn Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Receiv( d. ier Late Aimale, tbe I aipest £lcck cf FXJR N1TURE Ever lmpOrtetl to this Conntrv, Comprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Holiel Oak, and o/ the LA TEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10S IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS; WICKBR WARE, Boautiful Des ; gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc.,vou eun get these in »ny FINTSH you desire. CHAIRS, Countlcss numbers of GHAIRS, in every stvle, including OFFICE 9 and HIGH CHAIRS'. VYe have had a number of calls for tbese Tables, with CHAIRS to match. AVe have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING HOOM FURN|TURE EVER SEEN HERE f Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers X3 X \TA. s/. v-i Divaus covered with PORTIERS are becomiug/quiie tha rage in plaee of LOUNGES —we mauufacture tiiem lo order, and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to seh ct from. BEDDIITp. Great Assortmeut of WOVEN WIRE MATTRL:SSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool aml Straw Mattresses ou hand aud made to order. LlVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Piliows. CR1BS, CKADLES, etc. W1ND0W SHADES of all colors aud sizes. CORMCE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. Ī5 E I I Mattresses, Louuges and all Upholstered Furnitnre ropaired at reasouable n.tes. CABINET MAKINO, in all its branches, by Gompotent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Intrrior Deoorating uuder the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First CIass, aud onr prices aro the lowest Come and be C' i nvinced —a trial is sulicited. Bell d25, telepho.nes: Mutuai 645. OUDWAY & PORTER, Eobinson Block. betw’eeu Fort and Nnuunu
Tklkphones; BolI 351 Mutual 417 ■Risidence: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOM4S, C0NTRACT0R and BUIL0ER ilstimates Giveu on A.11 Kinds or - BUICK, IKON, ST0NE & WOODEN BLTLDINGS AU Ktnds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEPS FOH 8ALE: Bnoic, xime. Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fi4tings, _ A New Cormgated Ixon, JUinlon iTilee, Vjn*nry īiloe, asi»orted aieea and colora; . Oalilouua *nd Monterey Sand, Gramte Curbing and Blocks. e*c. ete. i Corner Kiae & Smuh Sta. OFFlCE YA£D:]ofecc e toTa m!, ( no^PM.