Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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?Hr Sobmua (Jalnular. w / SEPT. II. pmnei nui sK*virE. 8t«am8hipe will leave for and *rr ve trom 8an Franciaco aml other foreign port»>, on or abont the (oiiowinK datea, tiil tbe eioae of 1894. |r.n Honolpu? ro» 8a5 FRA>n*x). o» V*»cocvta. Dc* ar Hosolclc Fw. 8*5 FnA>r»no o» Viscomi. Au«trahi Jan*23 Au»tr»li* June 16 Monowai -Inne 28 Arawa Jnne 23 Wammoo Jnly l 'Manpoaa July 5 Anstralia July21 Au*traHa.... Jnly 14 Alameda Jnly 26 Wanimoo.. .Jnly 23 Arawa Ang. 1 Monowai Ang. 2 An»»ralia.,.. Aug. 18 Au*traha.. ..Aug. 11 Mahpoaa Aug. 23 Arawa Aug. 23 Winlmoo.... 8ept. I Alameda..., Ang. 30 Au«traliA. ...8ept. 15 Au«tralia Aept. 8 Monowai... ,8ept. 22 Winimoo.. .Lept.23 Arawa Oct. 3 Mahpoaa.. ..Lept. 27 Anstra)ia Oct. 10 Anstraha Dct. 6 Alamada Oct. 18 Arawa Oct, 23 Wanimoo ... Nov. 1 Monowai ....Oct. 25 Australia ...Not. 10 Anstralia Not. 3 Mahpoaa ...Not. 15 Alameda.... Not. 29 Ar»wa Dec. 1 Wanimoo.. .Not.23 An»trali* Deo 8 Au*tralia. J)eo, 2 Honowai ....Dec. 13 Mahpou D«c. 20 W'ammoo....Dec. 30 Arava .Deo. ?2 Ans»ralia....Dec. 31 )EWrLt M PO*T. |>AVAL V*SS*L8. H B M 8 īlyacintb, May, EaanmnlL, B. C. j C 8 8 < harl- ston (k)ffln. 8 F. H I O M 8 Maha, Callan MKBTBANTMK>. Atu hktne 8 N Hnbbard, San Fran. Oer bk Senta, Tiemann, l.iverpool. 8chr W 8T«Jbot,B'uhnm,Newcaatle N S W. Bk R 1’ Rithei, *orh«on, S F. Bktm PUnter, Dow, Lysan IsUnd. Bk C D Bryaat, Jaoobsen, 8 F. Bk Velocity, Martin, Hongkong. • 8chr Robert Lewers, Goodman, W» hington Bk \imarn, Brown. Neweaalle, S 8 W, • Am bk Martb» DaTid,Comax B. C. Am bk Ccylon, San Fr»nci«co. O. 8, 8. Australia San Francissoo 8ch. Emma eiauaina Nelaon, Paug's Isl. FOir.IV* VKH*r.L*i E\PK< TED. Am bk W 8 Phelpa... .Gray’s Har... Dne 8chr AllenA SF(Mah) dne 8ohr Bobert Lewen*,.. pa© Br ship Orroara Newcastle Aug. 20 8uhr Hadie 8 F (Kah).... Aug. 20 0*088 Belgio Vokoham». .Aug. 31 Bk 0 D Bryaut 8 F Ang. 32 RM 8 S Mahpoaa 8yduey... .Aug. 23 Bk O N Wileoi Middlesborongh. Ang 25 CASSAr»wa Vanoouver...Ang. 24 0SS AUmeda SP Ang. 30 C A 8 S Wanimoo ... Sydney Attg. 30 PM 8 S China 8an Fian. ...Sept. 3 Bktne John gmith Neweaaile. ,Sept. 4 Oer bk Panl laeuberb.. Breman....Nov. 1 Bark Ruutenbock Liverpool. ..Nor. 23 J. J. Williama tbe well-knowH Artistic Photograpber is making u epeciaity of portraits on Wutch Pi«ls und 8ilk Handkercbiefs. Oompleie sets of Lantorn slides loctures eau be bad at tbe gallery. For tbey aro sold at a i*ea8onable fignre by the dozen or by tbe bnudred. x * Ih&nk theGerraan man-of-war their kind protection not only it I sell the popular 17 bars of ip for 11.26, but give lbs re for tbe money than any houin ihe city. N. BREHAM. Rethel St, Mutual Tel. 314. aug 22 * FOK NAI.K. INELY brcd BULL, terrier pu)*. Enw of Wm. Woolham, »t DR. ROWATS' Iuhrmaty, Kiag atreet. sel-lm dnyJUU —OF THE — IN PROBATR la thc matlcr of ihe e*t«tc ol R»«k Mōlkso. lale of Houolnla, Oahu, de«a»cd, lo■»t«te leeinK ..— W «d tntMtatc at aald Houolulu, en thc 4th ir ot Febrnarr, A D. 1»4. »nd pr»ying lhat ettcrs of Admlcl*lration iwue U> hcr, sald i0CT It crdc«d. tWVpn FEIPAT. Uj? 21*1 *»T »LnEMBIIt. XTd. ia»4, be and bercby sptK .oted fbr bearing mM peUUon, »n the )urtrooa of thU Court, at Honolalu. at hleh ttae aod pUee »11 pewoo* co»cen>ed »r appear «od Uow tf uuy they h»ve, by iimmUUm ehouM not be graiited. lLu4 hooolnlu, H. I. Au^ C*arlm T. Pimwmo». Ckrk. * *ug. «.--Swdiy. 2SrOTICE. [• fntnre <J1 BXLLB for nnderukmg wiU peyable oa preaentstion. We are oomiec lo reeurt to thia rale, on u«wuut of ■ iuabilitv to «Hlee* the naa)ority of our idmakiag hillu altw fuaaraU ax» ov«. WH.UAMH BB08 , U>. A. WILUAMh.