Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]
[We <k> oot hoid oar*elTr« respoa*»ble Ujt tbe opiaion* or tbe aUouee* a f oor oome»y</n4eaU.] Ed?tob Holomea: . .. t .. *•—. -y, Mr Editor. When tbe present government was created it was generally believed that sometbing woold be done to parify the moralit}*, of tbe conntrv and enforce respect for all Iaws, divine or human. We are sorely disappoiuted. The Sabbatb is being desecrated eve' ry week and Houololn is no longer the “ m ssionary ” city whieh onee was the pride o£ ail trne cbristians. Yesterday the streets were crowded with pleasure seekers who icdulged in fast and furious driving and were yelling j ribald songs on tbe main streets. Ficnics were tbe orderof the day. In one plaee the front yard was turned into a beer—garden and a nnmber of the people were singing and making noise. Tbe poliee were nding up and down but nevsr interfered. In fact tbey seemed to enjoy the sitnation.—Is Honololu to be ssecond Babylon? Andistbisgovernment to sbnt its eyes to such iniquities. ? A Worshipper.