Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Ended. [ARTICLE]
— It is refreshing to learn tbat the Brazilian revolution is finally ' stamped ont This revolt really ended months ago, bnt it has ' been protracted by small bands ;of maIcon(ents in the extreme soutbern proviuce, who carried on a gnerrilU warfare whieh tbey must bave kuown could oo!y in- j jure tbe credit of Brazil witbout, giving tbem any grip on the power tbat they lost, It i» impoasible to say how mueh Brazil bas lost by tbe revolution, bnt U j will require m»ny moolha to bring her back to tbe oondition she waa in beforo tbe ootbreak ■of the civil war. Revolations are ! > cosily in South America, as botb ! Peru snd Cbile bave discovered. ■ ■ ■ ■■