Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
A correspondent seems to have | got a bilioasattack, bocause, tbe good p«ople of Honolulu aiid tbeir guests tbo sailors in port onjoyed tbemselvesyesterday aud dmpped care and worry in tbe mannei' most pleasihg to tbem. lt strikes us that tbe letter of “ Worshipper has been sent to tbe wrong shop. The statoments in it at least are very pleasiug to ns especia!ly tbe fact that the poliee seemed to eujoy tbemselves and tbnt somebody likes a beer-garden. We sincefily hopie j tbat Honolulu will not heeome like Baby)on—lf“ worsbipper ” | everbad been tbere. be wonld j know tbat it is tbe dullest hole I ion tbe globe in regard to tbe government s eyes ’ we do not el *im to know enongb ophtalraoIogy to judge of its “ sbutting " capacity we used to kuow it as a pig withoat au i ( p.g. 1 but the pig is dead.