Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PANĪHEON SALOON, n>RT AXD HOT£L ST». Heaiq0aners Est8r?nse Bktoi Co. THS * Lai*gest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved bere, now on Dranght J. DODD. Pn>p r Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAt, ALGEROBA »nd KINOLINO WOOD ia inr Both Tclephoaes 414 £.ong Branch -8AT«mCEstablishment. This Fir3t-Cl*ss B*»lhinjf R>*a»rt has Wen enltrged and is now od**ii to the pnhlie. It is the beat p'aee on the islands H enj*>y a Bath. and there is no belter olaee to !ny off. Si»ecial uccoramodatiuns for Ladies. Tr *mcars pass the d >or every halfhour. and on S«turdaya and Sundays every fifteen mmutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. 7T~Ws‘ ' L n.ioni3BKS ANNOUNCEMENT! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LAHGE ASSORTMENT OK . FIXE Si:iTlNGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, AND LATEST STVLES. These will Iie sol«l in anv Quantity fnjm a 100 Yabds Dow\ to E.vocoh to Make a Sixole 8nr ? —AXD AT— n HiRD TI1E PR1PES i L. B. hKKK. . . IMP0RTEK, Queen Street. SepL>-3in S SALE! THE ENTIBK !»TOCK OF Wenner & Co. J WĪLL B E SOU> Regard/ess of Cosi. Mp( ft- t( S. NiSHiMURA, Commis»ion Merehant, 19 Noaaeu Strect, Hoooialu. UfPORTEES aad DEALE.iS ia japan tea dby ooooe SILKd and PBOVI310SS. »*w Sw4f fcj- CT«rr SUaHtr. TelpfcoM. 317. aept 'W-tf. CO.NSOLIDATED 8T»DA WATER CO. ESPLAN A D E : C«r, «Ur« mmA r«n •>«*. i 1 Hoaoiula UOLLiST£JS 4 CO„