Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
City*si Meat | Market Oppo. Qiw*b Emma Hall. Establisbed 1883. i ' JOS. TINKER, MaJcer of lht C(kbraUd Gambndge Pork Sausage ! Trt Thr». D«iivered to Anv P*rt o l the City and Saburbs. Muta*l Telephone Number 289. Y0K0HA.\IA * l i — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANl’ Srs. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchiefs, NVindow Curtains, Straw Hat«, Fans, Lsnterns. Baskets. all .sorts; Oiahee, Tea and Breakfast Seta, Trays, Flower Pots, Silk Bedquilts, Bamboo Screens. Neck-ties, 9ilk and Crepe Shirta, Japauese Toya. Japanese Provisions bv the whoiesale. jy28 MURATA A CO. City - Carriage Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KINO STREET D. 1[. BEJ\Iī, M^na^e^ Blacksmith Work AND Carriag2 Rjpalrlng PAINTING : AND : TRIMMING In all its Branches. at Bed Book Prices. Mulual Telephone 382 Give ua a Call andjudge for youre€lf. jy23 AUMWIE^aAIIOH^H0TICI. THE UNDER!)I(tS'£D biTlnK b««B <la!j *ppotnted Tetnponnr Admmt»ir«'or of th> K»t»te of Jrwsra Hr»xo Pri.K, kJUt« o* Pmuo*. Hoooiola, Uoho, d«vcMed. NotK-e ia berehj <iren to »11 creditor» o( tb« deceo»ed U> pr«*«nt their eimim* wbefher *ecnr«d bj M >rtgmt;r. or other»i»e. Jalj aathead!rated ioa wllh the proper eoaehen, U anj exi»t lo the under«ltrnrd within *)x month» from tbe d»tr bereof ur tbej wlll be (orerer barrcd; »od »11 peiwon» lndebted lo Ihe «»ld deccwed *re m)ae»t fo mahe immedinte pwjment »1 the OtSce o{ H. K. *»-»«• Cort»er o( Kintc »nd Betb«i 9treet», l'p-*Uir». 9 K. If xVH Tenpocnrj Admioi»trator o( the E*t»te’o( Jo*ebb Heoao Peie. (k) deeeaaed. Hooolaia, Aajro*t W, l«M. »ac 16-3« AOMINISTRATION S N0TICE, THE UNDEB9IGNED bnTtn«t been dnlT oioted Adantol»tratrlx o( tbe e«tate of H. (h;. Ute of HaUaU, Kohola. nd of Hawnil. dcce«Md. Notlce U berebj *iren to al! crediton o( tu p-e»eot lheir elaim* whether bj Mortgn<e t»r otherwī»e dnlj »!ed aad wjth Ihe proper eoaehen», if »nj exist. to the aod«r*ucocd wiihio slx moDth* from the date hereofor tb«T will be Forerer barred, aod »11 [ -rr»Ofi» U<iebted to the *oid decen»ed are reqoe«t to make ImnedUte pajmeot at the Offlce ol 9. K. Ka-»«. Coraer of L’peEoim. of Kine \nd Bethcl 9treeu. AdmhiUtratrii Hrtd. NAOKi KAAIHI E, rix ot Uk Rrta(c o* H. K. Hoooialo. 14 1*88.
J. H. TRU9CHLEK, Boot Sc Nhoemakei’. 150 Forl S(iret. Repairing, neatly Done. balf aole and heel witb pegs. 11.00. Hail soie anā hoel 86wing, 11.50. aa7 MEDE1R0S & Co, Merchant Xailor». Ho»»l 3«., aiukr AihaKioo HoM Blook, Houoiain. S, DUC<E8, Xausm. ja»i