Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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■ Pire, liife & Marine iNSURANCE. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Assets, $ 7.109,825.49 LON r DON-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO.. Assets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARINE IXS. CO., Assets, $ 6,124,057.00 j XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXGE CO.. Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Ageot for the Hawaiian Is!anda, lionoiolu \\ t E. <Sf IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ĪN Grrcceries, Provisions AND Peed, EAST CORNER FORT & KINGlSTS. New Goods Rec’d By every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. AU orders faithfally attended to, and Gooda delivered to any part of the city FREE OF CHAEGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. THE H0USE. the very best <juality of SOAP at #4.50 per 100 ponnds »nd 17 b»rs of 25 pounds honest weight for 1 1.25. GERMAN BLl'E GAST1LE SOAP, mnnnfactured by Grans Broa., Mannheim, Germnny, at 10 cent« per ponnd. TOILET SOAP. rctail at wholesale prioe«. SOFT SŌAP in tins of 4‘* ponnds. 11.25. STEARIC WAX MININ6 CANDLES, numufactured bv the Emrey Candle Works of Cincin«ti, Ohio, 13 Candles for 25 cents. KIAWE FIRE WOOD. f!0 per eonL The same cot in hloeka of 12 inches _ lont; at any quantity from fl up. Dclivered frce of cbarge lo any p*rt of theclty. KIAWE <?HARCOAL at 40 eents a «aek. Richmond, Va., CEDAR WOOD POI PAĪLS dnishcd with bra«s boop«. Small »i« 50 cents; large size 75ccnts. Empty V r inegar and Wine BARRELS as w«ter receivers at $ I. KITCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 pounds. 50cts TABLE SALT givcn «wav. Hurhest casb pnee paid for HIDE3, SKTNS and TA*.LOW. THREE(8) PACKAGES, containing30 BOXES of TOKIO PARLOR MATCHES, only TEN CENTS. 1nT- BH.EJE1.A3I, Mutual TeIephone 314. Bethel Street. aug0 f 0. Box 480. Mitual Telephoxe 245. The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fumiture IS AT THE

CORXER 0F King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiulu

RIN0 UP MUĪUAL TELE 3K. NIEPEB S 8aggage Express. Oflke, 339 Fort Sl„ Hoooiuin. O. I Baggage and Furoiture Carefully Uandied acd Delivered at Bbort Notioe to AU Parta of the City. Stand on Cor. of Fort & Queen Sts. Jr» Kwong Si*ie: 3Lk>j Merchant Tailor, r" r • Dry Goods, Men and Ladiess ShOc3. So. 407 Kiae Stre«t, ne*r )nlyS r — ■■■■' ■ — ■ 1 ■ YEE CHAW. OIAUKK tX Fq« Fm#iiig Qoodx Fice Tailoring Fine Chinese aad Ja|>ane8« • H- .iakt-Jcl.:i h Koa. 81fci 33 Kuuaeu St. Hui*> i luUi, I

THE COMMERCUL Harry Klehme, Managei Cor. Nuuanu & Beretania sts. Honololu. H. I. The Only Sportmg Hooso in ī*owu. O. I 3 . S. a Specialitv. LOHENOaiN I4GER lBEER, Always on Dr*oghi. 2 GLASSES FOB 25 CKST«. BeSt of Wines, Liquora, smoon, and Cifa*9r ALWAYS 08 Hi>D. m*