Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£xtra nrdin«ry Good News for hougewives and niairiaioniaIly inelineil men S. Kubey & Co., No 418 Nuuanu street. oppca.te Central Meat Mtrket Second Hand Furniture-' Dealers, have imp >rted aq amouni of
FURNITURE ! From tbe Cocgt Thev are prepared to S£LL the Best Artic!es at L()WEST PRICES 3ifoncy is tight and none < ( ita h*ve more th*n w# know wh*l to d» witb KL’BEY C0, r>-aiiz« thia. and are decn.-as.ng profiis lo sait the times If yon know the v*lne ' f money deal with S. UBKY C0. f»r in their store, One D >1! *r g es f liher t'v<rd buying Fl’KXiTCRE thsn three ut any **th*r p »cu ; .u |he town Poa ? t forg**t the addnss " S- KCBEY i CO., ' Oppo. Ceotral -M. Markrt P.S. Peraons baT!rg P«rn'tare t* aelL.will do wrli by e*Uing on " . .. . seK»tf - CITY DBAYACiKiX*» fc*aad: Qaren and F»rt Streela. Wbite and BIack Sand. Draying D**ne at Reas»r»abl« R:iUi. W. I. 80AlUt£TT. Memm»