Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
SEPT. 10. H'-ll POUIC!l !VtlL W«Tlf«. Ste«mfebii« wili ie*v»» for *n4 «rr vt lrom S»n Frandsco »n<i other foi»i<rn porU, on or »boot U» fol!owinjt 4*te«, till the clo«e of 1&4H. I A A TT. Honou*ix Dt» at Honclclc poi Han Fra sa»co. F*. 8ajv FRanc'inoo oi Va*cocver. o» Vancocti». Aoslrm)i»... M' ao*«i... W«mnaoo.. A%5tralia .. A!tia»U Ar»w« An««tmlU.., Mmhpomm... W aninioo.. Xu»tr«’in ... Moiioww,,. Arawa Anamlim... .. Wammoo.. Australia .. Manpona... Anwa AuHtrm!i*. Monowai Wanimoo Juoe23 Aualnlia.... June 16 .Junr2S Anwa Jnue 23 ., Julr 1 Manpoaa July 5 . .Ju!y 21 Au»trmlim.... July 14 ..Jnly 26 Wmmmoo.. .July 23 j . ..Ang. 1 Monowmi Ang. 2 ,Ang. 18 Au8tralia Ang. II . .Amg. 23 Anwa Ang. 23 .. 8ept. I AiameiU.... Aug. 30 ,8ept. 13 Auauālia Aept, 8 ,Sept. 22 . A-epL 2S . Oct. 3 27 . .Oet. 10 Au»trali* Oct. 6 ,. Oct. 18 Anwa Oct. 23 ,. Kot. 1 Monowai Oct. 25 .Xot. 10 An*tr«!ia..,...NoT. 3 1 .Not. 15 Alamed* Not. 29 ...Dec. 1 Wammoo.. .Not.2o .. .Dcc. 8 An»tr&lia Dec. 2 j ,.Dec. 13 \lariposa Dec. 20 . ,D*>J 30 Anwa Deo. 22 Au»tralia. ...Dcc. 31 TE!l<iEL« I» PORT. Jkaval v»«kl«. H B M 8 I tvacinth, May, Eaqnmnlt, B. C. i l* 8 S < b*rl ston CofBn, S F. H I G M 8 M*ri*. C*U»o . «niniAWHE'. Am bktne 8 N Cm>iUe. Hnbbard. 8an Fran. | «er bk 8cnla. Tieni«nn. l .iTerpooi. 8chr\V 8T*lbot,B | uhum,NfewtHstle N 8 " • i JJ(iRF Kithet, *orriaon, S F. Kkine Pianter, Dow, Lys«u Is1and. Bk C D Brys jt, J«col»«-n, 8 F. Bk VelocitT. Martin, Hongkong. 8chr Hobert Lewen, Goodman. «a hington Bk \imnrn, Brown. Newc«*tle, N 8 W . Am bk Martha David, C«ma« B. C Am bk Ceylon, 8an Piwneianeo. O. S. 8. AunlnUia, S*n Franch»oo 8oh Emma Claudina Nelnon, Faug’a Imy«|EIU) l EWīLIE^PKmO. Am bk W 8 PLelp*. • • ,Ormy’a Har. • • -Dne 8chr Allen A s F .(”*•»> 8chr Robert Lewem... Gr*y H br... ...Dne Br *bīp Oimara NeweaaUe... .Aug. 20 8chr 8adie 8 F (Kah).... Ang. . Ok0 8 8 Beigi« lokoham».. Ang. -1 B* O D Bnrant » F Ang- |2 HM 8 8 Mahpoaa .. .bydney.... Aug. Bk O N \Vi!cox... .MidJlesborough. Aag25 CA 8 8 Amwa VanoouTer... Ang. -4 O b S Alameda 8 F Ang. CA8S Wammoo.... Sydn«y .... Ang. P M 8 8 Chii»a a«u Fi«u. ...Sept. BktneJohn Smith Newoaa*le. .Sept. Oer bk Panl X»enberb. .Bremen Nov. Bark Koutenbeck Liverpool . .Nov. 30 30 3 4 1 23 J. J. Williama tbe well-koown Artistic Pbotographer is making g mpeoialty of portraits on Watcb Dials and bilk Handkercbiofs. Coraj>lete 8ets of Lantorn slides lectures eau be bad at tho galler\’. For they aro aold at a reasonable 6gare by the do*en or by the bundred. As tbe Hawaiian Goveruraent did not sabmit to tbe proj>osition for not iotcrferiug witb tbe soft soap man. Brebura has ordered two raoro Gernoan ar to iuforce tbe sale of 1” bars of soap for $i 25. K. BREHAM. Betbel 6t. Mutual Tel. 314, aag 2*2 * 4—■————— IOK MALi; FINELY bml BFLL. t*rrier popa. Enol Wm. Woolham, at DB. ROWAT6 lntimary, King strv«t. sel-lm dOURTFl^Tdl^UIT —0F THE — $LAjlD{t IK PR0BATE. - lo tb« m«u r of tbc c*t«W ol K<\« M6LT«*o. lal« Honoiolu, pahu. drMa«d. in le«ut« On tte nwding and 61ing the pctition ol H'T ST1LLMAN 5 «*M Moaolo'u. MK> X.ANC_ ■ <pi allrv.ar lhat Bo*« Moli«o» ol mM Hoooluia, dkd lnWt«tc at «aid n<>«ol«U. on Uu 4tl, dar of Ffbru*rr. A D. !9M, «nd pr»Tlng that Lntrn af Admmi«tratiuD t»sac to bcr. said N«ocv Sti!;n;»:i (18j*4g< lbst oo F%EDAT. 4ay of $EPTEMBEK, A. D. 199». be aad i« «pi<oint«d lbr b«aring «aid poUlioo, in tb« coarirooa ol tbb Co'nrt. at Honololu. al wbkb iiae »nd plaee all peraow cc*ncerned mav «ppeai «nd «bow cao»<. il aar tbey h»T«, wby «aid p«titton aboald not be gr«Bt«d. Dat«d Hoaolalu, 1L L. Ang 94. A D. 199*. BT THE COUBT. * C«A»Ln F. P»r*»»os. CM. »B* = ISTOTICE l» tutuM «B BELLS 1t undertakti be pay*ofe on pnwen-.aiion. W* »ir jM>ii«c to nr40tt to thi« mU, on aow tbe in»Mhlr to ooiUo» tbe mujority Undetuku.g b05» «ftor lunenli «rv © wiiuams uuup.. Ui, k. W ILl.l\Uy.