Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — THE TARIFF BILL [ARTICLE]

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EFFECTOF THE SEW LAW J (IIL), Augu*t 31—The laading mannfacturers bere say tbat in aeme cases tbey will lower tbe wages of tbeir men Losdos, Aogast 31.—Andrew C«rnigle has an aiiiele in the September Cōtdemporary Re>'ieu concerning labor in Amarica. He says a workman ean live for less in America than in Great Britain provided he lives frugally. Conseqneutly Caruegie thinks tbe argnment that wages must be bigher in Araerica is fallacions. The filing of tbe protests ot tLa manufactarers of beet sugar, bas attracted considerable attention to : tho beet sugar industry in California. Another article appeared in the dispatches in whioh Robert Oxnard, oue of the owners of the manufactories in Nebraska, expressed bis seutimants on tbe matter. Mr. Oxnard eaid that, if the farmers did not share half bis company’s lo6ses, they would be corapelled t» shut up next year. The bounty paid ou beet sogar last year aniounted to $Hō2,171 Of this sum Californiu reoeived $055.768.84; Nebraska $118,864, and Utah, $77,542. SaK Axtonto (Tex ), Aogust 30 —It is clairaed by cattlemen of Southwest Texas‘that the new tariffbill will iesult io serious injury to tbe cattle interests of ; this section. Martinsbcro (W. Va.) Angust 23—Chairman Wilaon o{ tbe Ways aud Means Committee. the ; Democratic tariff leader in the , House of Representatives, whs 1 renominated forCongress to-day. Mr. Wilaon was greeted witb tre- | mendous cheers when he arose to i deliver his address. Washixgton, August 29.—The Secretary of the Treasury has de- | nied that und«r the terras of the new tariff bill payments of sugar j bouuties on elaim already Qled eannoi be legHlly raade. New York, August 28—Tbe American Sugar R*fining Company is about $50,000 poorer today than it w‘as yesterday and the trensury of Unele S.»m is , benefited to that extent. Yes»eri day raw sugar was free; io-d*j under the turiff bill, the tax has been put up at 40 per ceqt. Tha big Glasg »w steamer Holyrood was due here early yesterday with a cargo of 3400 tons of Java sugar, but she did not iqto port in timo to save tbe dnty on ber cargo. Tbe entire shipmeut is cousigned to tbs Amenean Sugar I Refining Corapany. The Holyrood left Galle on June 23d, Colombo on Juno 26tb, Ceylon on Jnly 3d and Aden on Jqly 16tb. taking aepeiaio iots o( sugar at eaeh of those ports l