Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POUND M.\STKK S NOTICE %dee im fc«wbr c><n to »fl fnwa» tfcat »i» *t th* OoTenua«al mal ** Makiki. oae stnr*J oa»r*. »aJ 4 11«4 bu» *hw *pot oa (W bnad i»dMeribabi> oa tbe n*fci tūa<i Ipk fee* *i» «bod. I Mwk oo». b«g vhite *pot on tW WIy, bnad hsdMerifciUM« oa 1 piaoo w*. bnad a&mWiM. 1 md cn*. «kia cpc4 oa tb* Wh. *itd bnsded R oa Wt hiad ing I e*lf, h*«taf! aot bncJ*i. \bt p«r»oa uc per«oM ovnīag tbe<ar «nianW i» rcqa«ited to eoine tnd tak« tbe <u» ea ! or Ulm 12 o'eioek aooo. SATURDAY, ; SEPT 15, 1SW. JAME3 KUKOKA, Poond Xwter. Mik.k., S**pt I. ISM. wpt. 1-1*. | THOS. LTN13S^VY 308 Mercfaaut Street, Honolulo .Vrtr Stort, nr*c Jetrelry Gnld, { Siher aud DiamofuL*. Jewe’ry Manafaolure to order. Watches eleaueU aml rej>aired iu aml se4-tf. FlJ'T M\t kE Ti E Tc-» Cornor King anU AUke* Strect< — C;iiiiariūo's Hefri?emtors u By Erery Stcamer from S»n Fr*noi»co, wlth Fresh Fruit, Oysfers, Salmon, Pouftry, To L.et «r Lenae. A 1I0USE on Kinjt »trc«t, ncxt to T. B. W»lker » prcmii<c!i, eonuinim; p«rlor. dinning room. and thrre bcdroom«, be»i<i<-s kilehen, batbroom. stable* aoel all modern eonvenience«, Iatelr occnpied by Mr. Dvnison. Artesian water Uid; rent moderate to re» ponsible partr. Addrese ‘ ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ. ang £J-lm Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the firbt tiine manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of the United Kingdom. who uses WIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having sccure<.i exclusive rights to use the aaiiie. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY is a hackneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Naiion, induslries must be fostered. Keep your money in your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Solid Comfoit Spring Bed. made in Honolulu, whieh will n< t SACx or RUST, or. A Perfection Cot, Cbild's Crib, Vcrandah Chair, Loonge, Threc-Quartcrg āinslc and Fuil ālee. Folding Wire Bed» ARTXCLES suitable to yonr elimale; PR1CES suitable to the times, as yon find them. For tbe Best BEI) in the MarkeL I recommcnd the HARTFORl) WEAVE SPRING BED, Treble Wire all through, \VOVEN as fine as elotb. SoIid 4 ineh. Mipie framcs, Maiieahle Castings, Warranted in every particular. Never yet faiied to give satisf*ction. I offer these goods to the publi< with confidence, havi jg made them for yeatg. Vou ean now get yonr «ery _ Large KOA BEDS. fitted with a WIRE M*TTRESS. Any size made to order. Bay the BED of th< FUTCRE, of Mcssn. T. H. Davi^ <k Co. L;’d„ Hopp <4 Co., William> Bn«., I. X. L, Ordway <4 Porter. ->r of tfae Maker — W0VEN WIRE BAIL£Y, - ! HoteI Street, Hoaololn, (nexi dcor to Hom’a Steam Bakery.) m « * CHIN KEE. H0RSESH0E!NG SHCP,_ Maonakea a P«ajrhi-etreet, )ww**tau B>.ci ......i,i 5 >u» i 7 AU. #r * - .-e-L