Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LA0IE8’ COLUMN. !OUI\ QU1C(< S^LES AXD Sp<\LL Pf\opij PoLlCy 1 is a far better oue for tbe public ! than the ressurection |process kuowu as Specinl 8ales« Goocls belo\v Oest etc.. t tc , etc., at whieh the graves contaiuing gooda of tiraes gono by are openetl, aml the rao!deriug corpses trotted nut to make a show One uever gets special value at sa!es; one may get Low Prices ' for Ilessurected Gootls, but spej eial valne never. Special valuesare only obtained wbere you get seasonab!e gr>ods, where Quick Sales and small profits are the fundaraent-.d principle of the house you are dea!ing with EXPERJEflCE WlLL YOt) 1^18 1 if you do uot realize it now. Qmck sa!es and auiall profits mean also no dull connters, no dul goods, but nevr stv'Ies, in fact gootls that sell at prices tbat are just right. Have you noticed auy of tbose SH«f\T W^ISJS • we spoke of last week ? If not, you ara certainly not very ob serving. for there has been more of tbera sold by us Iast week than was ever sold īn Honolulu in anv two weeks. Quick sales nd amali profits polioy did it Ooly a (ew of tham Ieft. Tbe same thing migbt be said of Pv\asols AVe have somo handsome Umbrellas and Parasols Twelve yards dress patierns of Oenuine Irisb Lineu Lawns in co!ors, at 12. 10 a pattera Bemember tbe plaee; tbat if yoo bave any donbt, a eall it oor store wiil satisfy you tbat all we mv aboot Ouiek Sa!e and smali profits is a FACT. B. F. EHLERS & 00. CAUFORNIA * Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Uclnerny Block. JOBBER3 OF WmES, arui SPIHITS